This morning I woke, jumped up and came down to the computer and started to write instead of the normal messing around I end up doing. By 8:30 I had an important appraisal completed and emailed. Then I waded into the next report and before I left I had that one done as well. Steve dropped Keanna off about 9 and she played on her new Vsmile game as I worked. Finally I hit the shower and then we hit the road. We drove to Nikki and Steve's which is located on the other side of Discovery Bay and picked up her Pilot which steve had loaded with all the dance outfits etc. Then we raced as fast as pokey drivers would allow to the high school theater where tomorrow's recital is to take place. Before long I found myself lost in a swirl of mothers as we all settled in to watch the little ones make their moves. If you've not been to such a performance before you really need to attend. When you get kids from 3 year old to teen years on the stage in cute costumes and ask them to remember their little dance moves, well its going to be very enjoyable to say the least. Of course I think Keanna was precious and she really did show a lot of improvement over last year. Her costume is white with lots of fabric and fluffy stuff. So cute!
After Keanna was through with her part of practice we were free to leave but Keanna wanted to stay and watch and an hour later we were still watching. Finally I firmly said we needed to leave to go eat and then pick up her mother. We went to Olive Garden and while they rushed it we still took too long. We ended up picking up Nikki 20 minutes late and then we fought our way home through traffic which was horrible. This evening Keanna, Kallie and Nikki are reunited with Steve and I'm sure they are all very pleased to be together again. Nikki got to tour the nuclear museum this morning but said it was not as interesting as the one she toured before that was classified and she could be there due to her high clearance with the government.
Tomorrow is going to be a special day. Keanna's program starts at 10 and lasts until 11. Then they have an hour between and do it again for a second audience. I'll catch the first program and then boogie home to wait for Jason, Jo and Timothy to arrive. They are coming for the afternoon which is just wonderful. They are coming providing Timothy is feeling better, he's been battling a fever this week and a cough.
It is wonderful to look forward to being with people I love tomorrow. I hope that is your experience too.
So I bid each one of you a happy evening. Earlier today I spoke to Barbie and she sounds great. Today she had physical therapy and a nurse there and she enjoyed their help and Gerry learned more how to do stuff. I sure know how he feels, a reluctance to give medical help for fear of doing something wrong and yet knowing you need to try because someone you love very much needs the help that only you can give.
Sending love to all
the last of the three photos depicts a 3 year that is the daughter of one of Nikki's friends.
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