Sunday, July 13, 2008

and so the week begins again

Dear Family and Friends,
Just in from rolling the garbage can out for pickup, mowing my little lawn, fixing the edger and using it to edge, testing the sprinklers.
I'm about ready to go to bed, seems to have been a long day with little accomplished. I wrote the last appraisal I had on my desk and emailed it away, researched for tomorrow's appointments, tried to call IRS, they don't work weekends I found out, made dinner but had made too much so wonder of wonders when I was full I dumped the rest down the disposal. I've never done that before in my life. I made an omlet with lots of fresh tomatos, a bit of cheese and some cut up vege meat pieces. When I think of it I need to make a quick trip to the grocery store. I'm out of nearly everything now. Dana's supplies held me for an entire week!
I've just spoken to my brother who has walked himself out of 20 lbs now. He walks in the forest every day and has eaten very carefully, much of which is from his garden, fresh beets today. He sounds like retirement is working out great for he and Donna.
So tomorrow its back to work again seeing properties in Brentwood, then Oakland and then a commute back to Tracy for VBS where I have agreed to help. Nikki was helping out and she has two little ones, How could I say no. The two leaders are doing a great job and have 72 kids already registered on the web ahead of time, pretty good!
I remember once when I was pastoring in Tracy, we decided to make a real effort to bring kids from all parts of town including parts we usually did not draw from. Well some of the kids were a little less controlled than we were used to, the van we were using was borrowed from Dr. Thompson and after one trip all the ash tray holders were missing, yikes, the leaders were not sure how to cope with a "different" kind of kid than usual but as I remember it everything worked out just fine. Most of the leaders lived to work another day.
Art and Connie are driving back to Gilroy tomorrow after several weeks on the road. They have covered thousands of miles safely. It will be very nice to have them back closer by.
I send my love to all, please pray that God will guide in the days ahead.




Deborah W said...

Hi Tim, Happy New Week! I love Mondays; they start off new weeks and the possibility of many good things happening is always exciting. Hope yours is wonderful. Deborah

Deborah W said...

Hi Tim, Happy New Week! I love Mondays; they start off new weeks and the possibility of many good things happening is always exciting. Hope yours is wonderful. Deborah