Sunday, July 20, 2008

Boy was I lucky!

Good Evening,
Wasn't she beautiful? I just had to share these photos of Nan sitting at our piano all dressed up to go out. After Dana left I discovered them sitting out, she must have located them as she was going through Nan's things. I just love them as they are a wonderful reminder of a happier day before cancer reared its ugly head.
Well I've had a productive day of sorts. The dogs drug me out of bed this morning and insisted on a walk around the lake, that is 3 miles. Before I even rolled out I took the blood pressure and found it to be 103 / 54 with a resting rate of 52. Even though it was early in the morning Starr began to feel the heat and was panting a lot so we took our time and I let her rest in the shade several times. When we got back I just started to do projects, I decided to stop procrastinating and dug out the new device I purchased months ago to drain the fish tank outside and suction dirt out of the gravel at the same time. I figured out how it worked and drained the tank down several inches, cleaned the filter and then refilled with new salt water I had on hand. I found the thermometer that had broken loose and in a few hours the tank cleared and looks pretty good now. Then I did laundry, and for the thrill of doing something totally new decided today was the day to make bread. I've been considering it for the past 5 years but today I brought the bread maker in from the garage, read the instructions on the box of mix, called Dana to find out where the book for the bread maker was and waded in. I'd like to tell you the loaf was stunningly beautiful but that would be a lie. It looked like it had fallen in but when I took it out I found it was very tasty, the house smelled wonderful and Lois and Ray came over from next door and we had bread, tomatoes soaked in balsamic something and olive oil and he brought soy blintzes. Everything tasted great. Lois took the photos of Nan home to scan them for me and Ray helped with fixing the electronic thermometer for the tank, it just needed a new battery. I finally settled down to prepare appraisals only to lose the entire report with a glitch. So I decided I wanted to try another loaf of bread but that required a trip to the store for yeast, wheat flower, powdered milk. $50 later I came back home, started the bread after finding all the ingredients, I hope I put sugar, not salt, I really couldn't tell by tasting and now at midnight the next loaf will be ready. As soon as it started to crank and whir I went out and mowed the lawn. I had been washing baseball hats all day with the new little device I purchased to hold them in place through the wash. I loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, watered my tomatoes and the neighbors, raided the tomato plants and took some to the lady who lives down the street and is raising 5 grandchildren by herself, wonderful courageous lady who lost her husband a year ago of cancer.
I've had the chance to talk to my brother, Art, Pam and someone wanting money for one legged police dogs and now I'm ready to rest. I've so enjoyed hearing the beautiful music of the Celestial Praise Chorale, Roger's group in N. Carolina. Wow they have some stunningly beautiful numbers and its been a lift and a tear jerker both today as I worked and listened.
Now its time to rest, my eyes are dry, my back is tired of sitting in this chair, the dogs are signalling they think its time to sleep too.
I hope you enjoy the photos of Nan. I know I sure do. Boy was I lucky!

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