Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Busy productive day! Had dinner with Mary and Halario

Dear Family and Friends,

This evening as the wind rages around Sharon's house in Texas and rain falls in Houston I write from the calm but warm peace of California. It has been a very full day and it started with inspiration and just kept on that way.

I had more energy this morning in the walk and did the full 3 miles in the cool air. Then back for a shower and a breakfast of oaks, one piece of toast and a banana. I worked in the office for awhile and set up orders. One came in that I could see today, just had a combination lock box on it. It was even prepaid with a credit card, good news for sure. As I was working and setting up orders Nikki called to invite me to lunch at UNO's in Antioch. So I got to see my girls, Keanna was so cute with a new haircut, Kallie slept and Nikki was full of energy. We parted after eating and I headed for Pinole which is a small town near Freeway 80. An add had caught my eye in the newspaper, a show room with grave stones on display. So I stopped in for an information gathering inspection. I found that stones that will work with Nan's setting range in price from $1,000 to about $1,800 with some having vases built in. The photo that I want to be included costs about $300 and will stand up to the weather for several years. It was a worthwhile stop, the first step in getting an appropriate marker for Nan's resting place.

The property in Pinole was empty, updated, bank owned and had just been purchased by my client through an auction last weekend. The appraisal went very smoothly and soon I was heading back home only to be caught up in heavy traffic. I had an important appointment at 6:30. Mary from travel, nan's dear friend had invited me to dinner. I drove about for a long time trying to remember where their home was and finally Art said, call them. I called and I was nearly there. Dinner was perfect and I enjoyed myself a lot. Mary was a very loyal friend to Nan, taught her the travel business and provided her with some of the best times in her life. We hope to get together again soon after Marilyn arrives as Mary knows and loves Marilyn too.

When I got home two additional orders were waiting in the fax machine, both are rushes and will need my attention tomorrow. I am more than willing to comply.

I see that Ken and LeAnn have returned from their trip to middle America but I doubt Ken will be up to walking in the morning.

Starr continues to demonstrate healthy behaviors, the fish tank is settling in with clear water and better temperatures, the floors are freshly mopped and my little loaf of bread is providing so much fun as I cut a thin slice and savior the flavors.

I continue to be in desperate need of funds but gradually then are coming in, never enough, never soon enough.

So my friends and family members I hope you are safe, secure and at peace with each other and the world. I treasure each and every one of you, your advice, your encouragement and your friendship.



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