Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Moving it forward

Good evening Friends, Family and other interested onlookers!

9:20 and its about time to go to bed. This has been a better day. I woke determined to get some things done today and that has happened. As you remember I went to bed early last night and was asleep by 10 or before. As I thought might happen I woke at 5 this morning with such intense back pain that I was forced from the bed. The dogs looked at me as if I was crazy but finally joined me downstairs. Ken had suggesting we walk at 7 so I went to work and wrote an appraisal before the walk. After we walked I was able to hand Ken the 2007 tax years papers and workup, that felt very good, usually I don't hand it over until sometime in October but this time I have the window of opportunity to get a comprehensive settlement with IRS for everything I owe and they want the 2007 year to be included. After breakfast and a shower I started to feel sleepy and so rested a bit in the chair. The chair has become so uncomfortable lately that I think it is contributing to the way I am feeling so I decided to turn it over and see if there was any adjustments that could be made, sure enough there was a big round dial so I turned and turned, resat the chair on its wheels and the chair suddenly became comfortable and was much more upright. I have been comfortable all day and much more alert. I waded into doing a relocation report for a property in Benicia. A year ago it was listed for $729,00 but did not sell and it was listed until February when they removed it from the market and it has just sat empty ever since. It is a beautiful one story home with hardwood floors, two fireplace, jetted tub and sitting room in the master, high ceilings. Well today after working nearly all day I finally completed the report with a value that is over $200,000 less than what they had it listed for and there is no assurance that it will sell even at the lower value. Very scary market right now.
I've got to say high points of my day come in phone calls to two very precious young people, Nikki and Jason. I've spoken to both a couple times today and like Steve Ahn used to say, that is good stuff! Today Keanna went to school for the first time and loved it, Kallie went to the doctor and had 5 shots and did not love it at all, poor Nikki, what a day for her. Jason is preparing for his new career in the classroom as an English teacher and Jo is preparing for her new year of little ones.
This afternoon I tried my luck once again at making bread. This time I thought I would use half bread flour and half wheat flour. Unfortunately I included a little too much water so I got less than a full loaf but its so good and should keep me for another week like the last one did. Oh that smell in the house of baking bread.
My neighbor Lois was so kind as to offer to help me get the bug to the doctor today so this afternoon we drove in, left the car and then grabbed a burrito at a place she likes in Brentwood. Fun stuff and nice to get to know her better. What a dear lady she is and what a huge help in getting the car into town.
In a few minutes I'm going to fill the jetted tub with water and relax for a bit with a good book. I've been thinking about it all day and it sounds good. I've been in the tub once in the last 4 years, it was Nan's favorite before nephrostomy tubes prevented her from her daily soaking in the relaxing hot water.
This afternoon I was supposed to meet with the person who is offering to be the diet coach for a fee but I was not completed with the relo appraisal so asked him for a Friday appointment. I'm really thinking hard about whether this is something I can do myself instead of spending so much money. Just not sure what to do yet.
The weather has cooled to a very decent 60 degrees now and the lake is calm and glassy. It will be a good night.
Thanks to all who care so actively and help me through this time of my life. I look forward to better days but I know I need to learn the lessons of these days and learn them well.

love to you and yours,



Deborah W said...

You do stay busy! That's admirable. And love the way you stay connected with your loved ones every day. Inspiring. I need to reach out to my siblings more often, and others, too. It's nearly 11 p.m. so I assume, and hope, you are in bed resting well. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

With Your excersise Partner and the trusty "Net" I think that You can manage Your Diet on your Own minus the $500.00 advisor. That $500.00 could fix the Bug AC !.

Don't forget the Picnic at the Senior Center Here in Lodi thursday at 11:30. Just a thought Maybe Pam would like to come along too?

Have a good Day and enjoy the Cool Weather.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.