Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Family Day of Joy

Dear Family and Friends,
This has been one of those special days one always remembers. We loaded up the van this morning at 9 and headed to MBA where Jason and Jo reside. We arrived about 11 and enjoyed time with them. What fun to have a house full of little ones playing, adults catching up, yard inspections of growing plants, seeing the new safety gates. Jason and Jo had arranged for passes for nearly everyone to enjoy the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium and we loaded up again and drove down. It was a perfect day weather wise and everyone was happy and relaxed. We found parking near to the entrance and spent several hours enjoying the various creatures that are on display. This really is a special place for kids Keanna and Anthony's age and they just played themselves out running from one place to the next. Finally Timothy just got too tired and they left to take him home for a nap, perhaps they caught a nap too. Eventually we pried the kids out of the place, Dana and I were super tired and Nikki and Steve were mildly tired. Kallie woke to enjoy looking at some tanks but mostly slept in her stroller. As we left she had a short little cry, Nikki stopped and just held her and talked to her and then she slept again. We stopped at a Mexican place that Steve and Nikki knew well from living in the area for years, the food was great and we were all very hungry. Then having been fed and watered we reloaded and Nikki drove us safely home. I sat in the very back and enjoyed watching the kids movies on an old DVD player that Dana found and got working but also just watching the kids interact to each other. Steve rode in the middle row with Kallie in her safety seat and Dana and Nikki handled the driving and navigation up front.
Now we are all tired, well that is except Kallie who may want to be up since she slept nearly all day. Nikki was sort of dreading that, the awake at night part.
I want to thank Nikki for driving, Jason and Jo for doing such a great job of finding passes and being our guide, Dana for being the sparkplug that probably got this whole day rolling and Steve for helping keep the kids busy, safe and in sight all day. That last one is no easy task as they move fast.
Loree covered the office today, made a deposit and took the phone calls, checked on Starr and helped here in the office.
This is a day I will always remember and Nan would have been so happy to see the van used to capacity for the family.
Love to all,

ps, Don we are thinking of you tonight.

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