Friday, July 25, 2008

Living life one day at a time

Dear Friends and Family,

Just in at 11:30 from a nice dinner with Pam Whitted at a Thai place in Stockton. She is doing well with her recovery and is now allowed to place a tiny bit of weight on her recovering ankle. so its still wheel chair time for her and at her school where she serves as principal she has an electric cart to ride. We caught up on each others kids, her work and my lack of work. Nice evening.
In the morning Ken has decided his walking vacation is over, we walk at 7:15. Then to take Keanna to Sabbath School in Tracy. Bob and Carrol called tonight to invite us to eat at the old Olive Garden, he has a coupon, yea Bob and his coupons, got to love that guy. So hopefully Nikki and Kallie can join us for lunch at the Garden.
In the afternoon Lois and Ray are hosting a BBQ on their back deck for family and friends and I plan to stop by to meet everyone, they live next door to the west of my house. They are very sweet neighbors and are real problem solvers.
Today brought another check in the mail so I made the house payment on line this afternoon. it will clear on Monday and I believe I can get it covered by then. At 4:50 this afternoon the mechanic called to say the bug was ready, a fuse box located on the top of the battery had nearly melted through causing electrical power to the fans that pull air through the radiator and evaporator for the AC were only working when they happen to feel like it. This caused the freon pressure to rise to very high levels in the AC system causing the compressor to fail from time to time and also allowing the engine to overheat at times. I paid the $550.22 and drove the car home just to be sure it worked well. Then Nikki was kind enough to drive me back to town to get the van. Hate to ask for help but sometimes I run out of options.
Looking back at the week there have been a lot of pretty challenging times, a few very nice moments, one very scary moment with Starr eating the Actos medicine, checks and credit card income has been minimal but not absent and more money has been promised, its in the mail! I've enjoyed catching up with friends and family on the phone and have a blue tooth earpiece by Jawbone that seems to be working well now. I've dropped 2 pounds and have been inspired to tackle the whole weight thing in new ways which include keeping a daily record of everything I eat, drinking a whole lot more water, using small protein snacks, an egg, a small protein bar, a piece of string cheese along with healthy foods. My third loaf of bread turned out wonderfully and I still have a 1/2 of the loaf left. It is just delicious and hearty.
Blessings abound, challenges continue, Art thinks I might be experiencing some depression, perhaps that explains the dull ache in my chest a lot of the time. I believe he is right. The constant challenge of finding money is always with me.
It was so great to have Art's visit in the middle of the week and to get to walk with him around the lake was a great honor.
I had a real letdown this morning. I accidentally discovered that I've been taking my blood pressure incorrectly and been getting a much more positive reading than is really true.
This morning when I rolled over and attached the cuff to my arm I laid my arm on the bed beside me instead of across my chest. The reading was 125 / 66. Then I tried it with my arm over my chest like I usually take it, 106 / 55. Whoops, I think I have been making a huge mistake. So there goes all those good readings, down the drain.
Right now I'm tired, sleepy and ready to rest. Good night my friends, next week Marilyn will come to town, tons of checks will come in the mail and I'll win the lottery, only problem is, I'm too cheap to waste money on the lottery buying a ticket.

Sending love to all and wishing you a great Sabbath and a blessed weekend.
