Monday, July 28, 2008

Troubled monday ends in quiet dinner with the girls

Dear Family and Precious Friends,
What a day! Ken and I walked this morning in the cool air. Then I came home and showered, had breakfast of steel cut oats, one thick slice of gourmet bread and apricots prepared by Joyce Conner years ago. By the time I reached the chair in the office I was starting to feel very low on energy and within minutes I was asleep. I just could not wake up. I worked on finishing up the taxes stuff for Ken, tried to burn the data onto a CD and that part of my computer will not work at all so I loaded the QuickBooks Pro onto two other computers in the office which are linked to the base program in my computer in hopes I can burn the data to a CD from one of them. Time wasted by as I worked trying to get the data transferred to a format that Ken can take to his office. As time passed I felt worse and worse, I felt pressure, not pain in my chest as I have so many times over the past few weeks and in general very short on energy. I took blood pressures and the numbers were OK. Finally I just decided to call and go see the cardiologist before something got worse. His assistant could see me so I went in, had an EKG and met with him. He is pretty sure there are no heart issues at this time but he did find a rattling in my lungs which he could not explain. So in the next few days I'll have a chest x ray to see if there is something not right that could be causing the chest pressure and general fatigue. Tomorrow morning the diet guy is coming back and will want to know if I'm ready to part with $500 to start the program. I am so torn, just not sure what to do. His track record is excellent and hundreds of people have gotten much better, lost weight, dropped off their meds and reclaimed their lives. Frankly at this point I find it hard to make a hard decision about anything, the lingering effects of depression, uncertainty about money and sense of lostness, well I've had better days.
This afternoon I took the bug with its broken fan switch to the doctors and it was 93 at the time so I arrived very hot. I took it so I could run it by the mechanic so he could tell me whats next for the repair. He needs it for a day so here we go again getting it to him and then getting home again, not fun at all.
As I driving home Nikki called with a wonderful idea of dinner at La Villa, our place out in Bethel Island. I picked them up in the van and we had a quiet and lovely dinner with good food and great company. What a lift they give the old man!
Now I'm home again determined to get to bed early tonight and see if a full night of rest will help relieve some of the emotional and physical pressures I'm under.
One very bright spot in the day was found in the mailbox. A dear client paid for 4 appraisals in one check. What a relief to be able to finally honor payroll for my two precious helpers. They have been so kind and patient.
I received a very powerful email this evening from Sharon. Her faith has certainly been tried over the years but her courage is strong and she shared precious truths that I needed to be reminded of. I've also treasured emails from Bob and Carrol and Roger and Carol.
So this evening I still have pressure in my chest, feel like a small truck ran over me but am still breathing well and the heart continues to beat on a fairly regular basis.
Thank you for being there, all of you.



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,

I can't believe I just did this... I finished my comments and promptly pushed the delete button instead of "send". Oh well.

I'm sorry you had a very stressful day yesterday. Health issues, financial issues, depression, car trouble..... not particularly a fun day. God did send you some checks and covered the NEEDS though. He is always faithful.

I'm glad you went to the doctor yesterday. Your primary care doctor may be able to help you the most at this point. Specialists see and look for problems within their own specialty. PC doctors see the whole person. What is the diet specialist all about? What is the program? I may have missed something along the way.

Last night I dreamed we had a buyer and would be closing in 3 weeks! We had to be out by the end of the month. Wow! I could do that. Alas, it was only a dream... It is all in God's timing and His timing is perfect timing. He knows our future and our needs. It really isn't so bad with good help.

My prayer for you today is for peace, work orders, checks coming in, joy in your life and good health!

Hang in there!

We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

You must see Your family Dr. about those Chest Pressures, I'm concerned about that issue for You.

We hope that Carol's dream comes true, dreams are something else aren't they?

Have a good Day and be carefull.

We love you and will Pray for Your health.

Bob & Carrol.

Deborah W said...

Hi Tim, I hope you feel better today. Perhaps you just have a slight cold, or an allergy to something new that is blooming right now. I hope it is minor, and clears quickly!

Wow, $500 is a lot for the diet guy. My opinion of why this works for some people is that the money they paid is the motivation to succeed. It wouldn't work for me; I'm too lackadaisical about money (according to my husband).

For me, nothing else has ever worked except counting calories, which I do in 100 calorie increments to make it easy. I compare 100 calories of a food I want (like a brownie) to 100 calories of a more nutritious food (like salad), and I see how much more of the salad I can have with my lunchtime allotment of 300 calories - a whole bowl (with dressing), as compared to a bite. I still don't always make the right choice, but I have improved my track record! The 100-calorie increments helps with portion control, too, since it makes it easy to figure out just how much of a food I can have.

However you go about it, I wish you all the luck in the world in your quest for better health, weight, and energy!

Keep up the blogging; I read it every day.