Thursday, July 17, 2008

VBS lifts the spirits

Good evening,
Well I survived yet another evening of excitement, noise, games, songs with hand motions, mobs of kids, snacks, sitting on the floor and so on....
Three of the four original guys are coming every night and are really into all the events. These events include a general session with video led singing, a mad professor (she has such nice hair), memory verses, then sessions with a husband and wife team who have a different exercise every night, last night it was a huge cardboard box shaped like a boat that everyone climbed into, then walked on the water, tonight it was an illustration about the cross. Then we moved to crafts where tonight we created a picture frame for a group photo yet to be taken, then to snacks which was crackers with cheese draped over them, we all find a place to sit on the floor on a little super thin aluminum foil sheet with room for everyone and munch and consider what we can do that would be special at home before coming back, then to the playground where tonight small tablets were placed inside a diet Pepsi bottle with a resulting explosion of soda all over, all over me in fact. We then moved to a little room with a TV and decorations and each night they play a little segment of a very well made movie about a chipmunk and his adventures in a castle with a mad scientist. Then all too soon its back to the main church where we sing more songs and hear from yet another speaker wearing a lab coat, the whole program is called Power Lab and its all about the power that comes from Jesus.
This morning I had the joy of walking in the cool air but I had trouble getting enough air in my lungs and had to slow down several times, I was alone and it was just hard work getting around the course. Then my steel cut oats with fiber and flax seeds, banana, stripples for breakfast. Then to see a local property, then back to write the report up and by 2 pm I was emailing it to the lender, yea! 20 hour turnaround. Then to town to get the blue tooth working, they gave me yet another new one which works great, now I have two chargers which helps. Then to Longs for meds, my part was only $80 today, then to make a deposit of a new check which came in today's mail, then online to pay a portion of the house payment, then home for a quick griller on wheat bread with fresh tomatoes, then off to Tracy. I once again did not turn on the AC just seeing how the house would do, well at 5 it was 87 but cool in the office where the little AC was doing its thing. I think the chiller is working again for the fish tank. The cleaning job seems to have restored it to cooling once again. I certainly hope so.
Well good night to each of you and if you ever get a chance to help in a VBS, either leave town on vacation or help, either way you will have a wonderful time.
Sending my love your way and rejoicing with Bob and Carrol, another good clinic visit and no chemo is needed for yet another month! Now that is good news. And Roger and Carol has a new helped for Lakemont Cottages, she seems wonderful and they are delighted.

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