Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sharing life one moment at at time

Dear Ones,
9:35 after a day of contrasts, noise & bedlam, quiet and secluded, hungry and then full, emotionally challenged and then feeling loved........ some of the pieces of my reality today. I slept in till 8 this morning, latest time in months, then showered, dressed, had a yogurt and banana and drove to collect Keanna, while there Kallie put on a show enjoying being on her back and watching a little cloth sun and soft music and lights, she kicked, reached, smiled, what a delightful moment. Then Keanna loaded into her booster seat in the far back seat of the van and we headed to Tracy. On the way we saw a fox cross the road and Keanna watched something on her little DVD. We joined the Sabbath School where the teacher was reading a story about Jesus calming the storm, then the kids took turns loading into the little boat and the lights were turned out, someone made sounds of thunder, someone else made little lighting bolts and teacher sprayed water over the kids in the boat, Very effective. They all took turns in the boat, then during craft time we were taught how to make a little paper boat and then SS was over. keanna went to be with her VBS teacher and I waited for my boys to appear. Eventually 3 did arrive and today they were on their best behavior. The church was packed with 100 kids and the normal worship service attendees. Kim led out and the service was loud, joyful and quite an experience. Eventually the kids all got their diplomas and marched out to attend the big lunch planned in the Better Living Center. Nikki and I hooked up at Olive Garden and we had a lovely lunch. Having had such a tiny breakfast I was really ready to eat and cleaned my plate. So kid Keanna and Nikki. Then they were away for Dublin and friends to visit and I sleepily headed home. It was 88 in the house when I arrived so I decided to spend the money and cool the room down to 80. Then I got the Satellite working for the Hope channel and enjoyed music, scenery and feel asleep. I think I slept for hours. Finally at 7 I ventured into the kitchen, found a can of Pinto beans, some frozen corn, a potato to bake and fresh tomatoes to cut up and eat. It all turned out great.
I've really enjoyed the emails about last nights' blog. I'm glad the words made people think a bit. I know full well that there is no way someone who has been in a marriage for many years can possibly imagine or fully understand how it feels to observe your important other half die. Until you are there you just won't feel the full impact, you shouldn't have to but considering carefully and thoughtfully the possibility that you could lose someone close just might help you use the time you have wisely to convey on a daily basis how much you care and demonstrate it with unselfish acts on a continual basis. As human beings we are all to prone to getting used to the status quo and start assuming that the other person knows what we think, how we feel. I'm saying, resist the temptation to assume all is well. Relationships can also improve, you can always do better, so do it while you can. Yes I have a right to say this because my window of opportunity is closed. I can't say anything more to Nan now.
So to my way of thinking another week is beginning. Tomorrow I'll write appraisals and pray that more work will come in soon. I'll work on getting the tax year of 2007 in order so Ken can work on them when he returns on the 22ND. I'll bite the bullet and take money from the little that is left and pay the house payment. Today's excitement over a check in the mail was tempered by it being for $75, not the $450 I expected from them.
I want to thank the VBS team for doing an excellent job with preparing a program which led many children to know Jesus better.
Now am I sorry that I'll have my evenings back, no! but this week just past did go fast and perhaps before the end of this week Marilyn will arrive from the east coast and that will be a wonderful addition to my life, she is a kick, a great helper, a wonderful organizer and a real plus to life.
Take care of your life,


ps A CD arrived today from North Carolina. It is a brand new recording of music performed by Roger's choral group and I can't wait to hear it. I'll give a review tomorrow night. Thanks Roger and Carol.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

How rewarding to see Your Students from VBS getting their Diplomas. The little ones will long remember the special time spent with You & the others.

We too rec'd the CD from Peden's it was a real treat to end a restful Sabbath Day with the Sweet Sounds of the Choral. Roger does such a beautiful job with a Choral. As You well know We that were favored to be a part of the Peden Choral (Modesto) for several Years had so many good times of sharing Harmony with each other and the many others that attended the Concerts that We did over the Years. No doubt We, with Nan, will again blend our voices in praise to Our Lord in Heaven. What a Day of Reunion that will be !!

Have a good week.

Love & Good thoughts,

Bob & Carrol.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

I don't know where the (amp) is coming from in Our Name. I'll try spelling and instead of the & key.


Anonymous said...

Hi Again,

Just when You think You have the computer figuered out it throws You a curve ! I give Up !! Guess I'll have to spell out the word (and) from now on.
