Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kids share the magic of Christmas

Dear Ones,
Its late and Ken has suggested that a walk around the lake in the morning would be great medicine. I think he may need therapy! What do you think? So at 6:30 we are going to check the weather to see if the rain is coming down or now.

This day started rough and I suddenly found myself with a head cold this morning, sneezing and stuffy head. I was not ready for that detour. I worked hard on getting a report out this morning and then left on time for Redwood City. I arrived to the minute on time still not feeling very good. What I found was pure magic. The little house had been totally renovated, every inch was perfect, crown moldings, hardwood floors, coffered ceilings, new stucco, new roof, new paint, paver driveway, new kitchen and bathrooms. Wow. I was not prepared for such a find. He said a realtor had dropped by this week and offered $775 as he had a buyer looking. The dad was there and his 5 year old very active and talkative son. He was excited about his remote control train that went around the tree and every room was decorated perfectly for Christmas. At first the guy seemed to be sort of quiet, his first words were look out for the pitt bulls, they are mean, Well great, nice start to the day. In passing he mentioned that he has lost 75 lbs. and that broke the ice. My questions got him talking and he had a lot of great ideas. Drinks 6 bottles of water a day, keeps a few nuts in the truck for snacking, never eats a larger portion than what you could fit in your hand. Very interesting visit.

I was very hungry by the time Jean had given me some new comps over the phone so I asked Ms GPS to find a taco bell. Just a mile away! So I had lunch, do you think it is possible that a Taco Bell located in the middle of richville, I mean everything around Stanford is expensive, that the food at that Taco Bell was made more carefully. My lunch was outstanding. Then I set the GPS for an address in Antioch and started out. Art called and when I mentioned where I had lunch he said he was eating mexican food for lunch too but not Taco Bell, no he went to some fancy place that he has been going to for 30 years, he probably has a dish named after him there, he implied that his lunch was going to be better than mine, elitist! How could anything be better than a bean burrito at TacoBell?
The traffic grew worse as I drove east, people getting away to the mountains for the holiday. I arrived well past the 3 pm appointment but the lady was so nice. I think she was Iranian and so kind and thoughtful. I groaned when I drove up. Mind you I've not felt good all day and now I drive up to the Taj it seems. Two story of course and many different ins and out to measure. You know what you do when faced with something tough, you put on your coat to protect your chest from the cold and you get started and in no time it is done and you are inside in the warmth meeting the little children and seeing a beautiful home of about 3,300 sf. While I was there Nikki made contact and let me know she and the girls would be coming over about 4:30 to 5. Well that sort of lite a fire under me. I decided to shoot the comp photos on another day, my kidos were coming. When I turned onto my street Nikki was right in front of me. We had fun. I started the snow globe so Keanna could see it snow, I got to hold Kallie and see her smile, did puzzles with Keanna and dominos and just enjoyed the moment. All to soon they had to go and I looked at the clock, my desk, opened the mail to discover 3 checks, wow!
I was hungry and made a snap decision to head to Tracy, Olive Garden had soup and salad and then some Christmas shopping. Seeing the kids really helped me feel better and gave me a nice boost. I enjoyed the Christmas shopping very much, hope those on the receiving end will also enjoy. Then as I was driving home I decided to pick up some orange juice and $188 later and more Christmas shopping accomplished I'm home and ready to go to bed. I just had to share the events of the day and the evolving Christmas awareness I experiencing.

Tomorrow evening Jason and Jo are driving up with Timothy and Clayton and we will have a Christmas even at Nikki and Steve's house. It will be so fun to get together again and celebrate Christmas and Jo's birthday as well.

In the morning I am going to try to get Honda to agree to install two new tires on the van. I think my chances are poor since they won't be working a full day and those nasty tires take 4 hours to change. But I'm going to try.

And so I'm wishing each of you a Merry Christmas as you gather in whatever manner your family tradition is, together, sharing, laughing, eating, loving.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you, Uncle Tim!

Shay, Rodney, Gunnar & Camden