Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh the weather outside is frightful and the fire is so delightful....

Dear Family and Friends,
This evening no matter where you live the weather is fierce. Winter has descended upon us all. Marilyn Titherington said they were getting an inch an hour all afternoon and the snow was beginning to deepen. I worked in sunshine most of the afternoon, cold yes but still bright sunshine.
I had a perfect night with no coughing, a stiff hot shower woke me and then I rushed through breakfast and office work before leaving for Oakland. Traffic was nasty and overhead there was dark gray and sprinkles of rain. The van said it was 48 outside. Finally I passed through the tunnel and moved into bright sunshine on the Oakland side. San Francisco was shining in the distance. My first stop was at a little house, perfect condition and the little lady let me in and said she was heading back to bed. She did just that and so I told her I didn't need a photo of that room, shot my photos of the rest of the house and let myself out locking the door. Some people are really trusting! Then I drove to Tom Perkin's house in the hills, the same hills that burned so terribly a few years ago. Now most lots have new homes of every description jamming the lots, its overkill and not very attractive. Tom's house is very nice, four stories high and then steps lead up the hill at the rear to a deck built at the very top of the lot. There two hammocks swing in the wind. The view from the deck is breathtaking. Panoramic view of the bay, San Francisco, the bridges, wow! But the hike up the steps almost did me in, I was wheezing and coughing. The house is a thing of beauty with views from every room. For the next 2 hours I drove the hills on little one lane roads taking photos of sales, its not something to be rushed and the GPS never led me astray. Upon completion of the comps I then drove to a little house close to the Oakland zoo. It was cute, updated and had some level rooms, some not so level. After shooting the comps for that one I set the GPS for home arriving about dark. How wonderful to be greeted by the dogs, the cat, the messy kitchen and a wood stove filled with coals still red with heat.
I made dinner and used up the last of my bread and a can of wonderful soup Lois purchased last night. Now I've had all pills, 11 in all and one good shot from the inhaler. Unfortunately this evening the coughing has returned with a vengeance and I'm worn out from coughing. I hope to be able to take Keanna to SS in the morning and hear the children's choir for church, it all depends on my wellness level.
I know I am feeling better as I'm starting to have many positive thoughts, looking forward to getting some Christmas cards out the door and even finding the Christmas tree. There's a Christmas globe that needs to be installed in the front yard.

So I will bid each of you good night. May God bless you with health, relationships and love.


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