Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Still sick

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm doing this early tonight. I just completed an appraisal of a bank owned home in Antioch. New painted interior walls at the expense of the carpet, no drop clothes used, carpet will probably have to be replaced. about 1800 sf on a large lot and selling for $220,000. One wonders where it stops, the slide in values. On this one the current listings are even lower.
While I was in Antioch shooting comps I stopped at Applebees for lunch. Its been months since I've eaten there and their salads are really good. I also had a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato slices. That was nice but then I started to cough even more again. By the time I got home the coughing was pretty bad. Its been bad this afternoon. I finally decided to move ahead and just work so I waded through value checks, conditions and then settled down to writing the appraisal that was needed today. Now it is delivered and I can relax a bit.
I need to make a decision about tomorrow. Right now I have an appointment at 10 in Redwood City. So now I must decide what to do and try to guess how I will feel by morning.
What is pretty nice is this, I sleep fine at night and I woke at 6:05 this morning to go help with the girls, I ended up going over a little later and it was fun to see them play, eat breakfast and head off to school and the sitter. They are so cute and fun.
I'm really banking on this new medicine to curb the infection that is causing this lung and chest problem. So far it just has not happened.
There is an interesting series of events that take place when one has an extended illness. At first you just feel terrible with the fever, then you begin to settle down and consider getting well, then it dawns on you, you are not getting well, the work begins to pile up, the mounds of paper build on the desk, you tend to just grab something quick to eat that does not take a lot of thought or effort, you watch the pantry supplies dwindle, you just know that tomorrow you will be better, your emotions climb and fall, you cough till you are sore everywhere, sometimes you get dizzy and wonder about making sure if you pass out you will be safe, strange times indeed. Tonight I went to the kitchen as the sun was setting and there was a pretty sunset over the island and you just say, who cares, I'll notice that another day when I feel better, the fire has gone out, do I want to take the energy to built it up or just go to bed. I'm sure not the only one to cope with illness and I know many of you are dealing with tough stuff too.
This evening I got a short call from Art, he was calling from Florida on his way home and will be back in Gilroy tomorrow. Welcome home Art and Connie.
Would appreciate your prayers tonight. Sending my best to each of you.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim,

What's going on? You are supposed to be getting better! Take care of yourself!

We love you ~ Carol