Saturday, December 27, 2008

That girl can preach...

Dear Friends and Family,
This has been a very nice day. All kinds of good things have taken place and in general I've felt really much better. A few bouts of coughing but nothing like yesterday. Let me share the way this day progressed. 7 am, walk around the lake in the freezing air with Ken and watch the beautiful sunrise. 9 am, pick up Miss Keanna for Sabbath School. Nikki and Kallie join us at Sabbath School and Emily and Bernice do a great job with leading out. Kallie is fussy so the three of them go to the mall to walk about and I proceed to the worship hour. Sylvia delivers an excellent sermon that is well prepared and professionally spoken. She rocks! Jason and Joe, Clayton and Timothy have arrived as she began to speak. George and Yvonne, Sylvia and her mom and our family gather at the Olive Garden for a very nice lunch and fellowship. Thanks George and Yvonne! Afterwards the car trade is accomplished and I leave with Jason's Subaru and they leave with the van. I then drive home and finding an empty recliner take a much needed nap. Later I wake and build a fire and in the evening drive to Brentwood for meds but I'm too late and drop by for a minute to see Jean my faithful writer. Then home to tackle the wood pile. Now it is safely stacked in the firewood holder Nikki got me years ago for the back porch.
What a great day with times to think, share, fellowship, eat, praise, sing and see the little kidos in action yet again. Kallie sat in a high chair for I think the first time today and Sylvia's mom helped keep her busy.
Life hands us many hours of loneliness and solitude but those times are offset by precious times with good friends, family and sharing. To hear Sylvia's words of faith and conviction about a God who cares for us as a loving parent in spite of the loss she experienced just a year ago is powerful and moving. To trace God's hand in our lives is a daunting task as we often do not begin to understand until later what He has done and is doing.

I send my love to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,
I'm so glad you are feeling at least a little better. It gets old after awhile. You had a blessed day yesterday with friends and family, worshiping and fellow-shipping together. Yes, there will be the lonely times, but cherish those special times.

You asked about the temperature in other areas? We are at 60 this a.m. with RAIN ~ oh blessed RAIN! We have had some good rainy days lately, but the lakes are still very low. We will take every precious drop we can get. We are glad we aren't in freezing temperatures though. That would mean ice storm. We don't like those very much.

Take care and have a good week ~ checks in the mail, cough subsiding, keeping warm, enjoying good friends and family.

We love you ~ Carol