Tuesday, October 20, 2009

At last I'll live........

Good evening,
Well today has been a turning point for me personally. When I woke things seems about the same but once I was up I discovered less coughing and that blessed condition has continued all day. Yes I have moments when it seems the lungs are going to explode with the deep coughing but overall I'm much better.
I worked at getting a report completed this morning, then got ready for a trip to Oakland for a rush appraisal only to be called back at the last minute since the buyer was not willing to come up with the fee for a second appraisal. I don't blame the guy at all but for FHA jumbo loans two appraisals are required and I was the second one.
So Marilyn and I changed courses, had lunch at the Red Robin and then drove to a nice newer neighborhood in Stockton where it seems nearly every other house has been reclaimed by the bank. Homes that sold for well over $500K are now selling for less than $200K. Our mission was to find the value of a home that is about to go into foreclosure. I just completed it with 6 comparables and its on its way via email to the east coast as I write. On this one I'm three days ahead of the due date.
In the morning I get to observe my little girls as they eat breakfast since Steve has a paying gig for a couple days and needs to leave early. I've gotten better just in time. Then when I drop off the girls I head for Oakland for a 9:30 appointment and then one at 11 before heading back this way. At 3:30 I'll collect Keanna from Loards Ice Cream where she is on a exercise with the Blue Birds and then convey her to Willys Bagels where the music class she is in convenes in a large back room. Then I'm free until the evening meeting which I am going to try to attend. That will depend on the work load and the process of catching up.
So now you know everything and I'm heading to bed, 6 is an early hour to rise.

Thank you for your prayers and concern. While I'm not well I do feel much better than I've felt in over a week.




Deborah W said...

Tim! So glad you are feeling a bit better; may the improvement continue until you are completely well. Is Keanna in a Blue Bird troop in the Girl Scout organization?? I was a Blue Bird when I was a little girl, and loved it. What a coincidence, I just recently scanned a couple photos of me from that time frame to use in my life history. Those little girls of yours keep their mom, dad, AND grandpa very busy, eh?? Stay warm!


Bob and Carrol. said...

Hi Tim,

Praise the Lord for Your feeling Better. We will continue to Pray for You.

Bob & Carrol.