Monday, October 5, 2009

Into a new week

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm writing this evening while sitting watching antique roadhouse, no not watching my friends, its a TV show on public television. Something Marilyn found and so I decided to write to you faithful blogger while I watch.
This morning I could not stay in bed after 6 am due to extreme back pain. So I got up in the cold air, we actually had a light frost last night, and dressed in walking clothes. I was so stiff and sore from coughing that I could hardly reach my feet to put the socs on. I brought my tennis shoes downstairs, a big mistake. The dogs grew so excited upon seeing the shoes that they could hardly contain themselves. I stumbled to my work chair, reclined and slept for the next two hours. The dogs were at my feet waiting anxiously for any sign of life from me. When I finally woke and stirred they started dancing. I could not deny them so I slipped the shoes on and we headed to the park where they danced, sniffed and ran about in pure joy. While I did like the walk I certainly did not dance or experience much pure joy. By the time I returned I had no back pain and I was able to settle in to working. I wrote an appraisal and emailed it out, talked to Ray and Lois for awhile and enjoyed some lunch of cottage cheese and fresh tomatoes that were just picked. Then it was back to work. This evening Nikki and Kallie came over and ate some pizza here. We enjoyed seeing them.
For dinner tonight Marilyn uncovered the wok that Ray and Lois gave me some time ago. She prepared a great meal with Orzo, fresh veges, mushrooms. What a great feast.
Now in a few minutes I'll go to Nikki and Steve's house to sit with Kallie who will be sleeping while Nikki drives to Oakland to pick up Steve and Keanna.
Regarding my health I slept better last night with less chilling. I'm using my nasal wash system to clear my head and taking the antibiotic that Dr. Jim prescribed. I'm also making a huge effort to drink enough water. I'm feeling better but am very sore from coughing. It has been a difficult day in a lot of ways with calls from my home loan company. Yet each person has been helpful in their own way. No one could explain why the new percentage rate of the loan has gone down over a point and yet the monthly payment has gone up over $400 starting in November. After a 20 minute wait the lady came back without an answer. Interesting time indeed. They raise the monthly payment but don't know why.
Well I'm starting to fade and I have awhile to go yet tonight before I go to bed. I miss my walking buddy who makes me get up and walk every morning. Ken, hope you are having fun down there.
Take care my friends and family,


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