Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rest rest rest

Per the advice from friends I've taken it easy today. I did not even wake this morning until almost 9 am and the doggies were pacing about worried that I was sleeping so long. Finding my green robe I headed down to sip hot tea and snuggle under a blanket in the recliner. I tuned in the SDA dish and enjoyed great music and pictures from nature, some really enjoyable preaching. Lois crept in at some point to see if I was OK and finding that I was she sat and we talked for a minute or two. While we talked the dogs were in constant motion, their ceramic bowl was empty and they were not happy about it. Finally I took pity on them and retrieved the 30 lb sack of food from the trunk and fed them. Lois fed the cat who was also fussing. I settled for one piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and avocado, took my meds and rested some more.
This afternoon I took a little trip down to San Jose to deliver Nan's blue walker to Irene. We were thinking that having a good walker with wheels and a seat might help her move about a little better. Unfortunately I did not dare spend any time with her as this cough and illness I have might infect her. Getting additional illness is NOT what she needs right now.
As the sun was setting my lawn called out for attention so I quickly edged and mowed it. My how it likes the rain, so green and fresh. Then I came in and went to work on the filter for the reef tank. I have noticed that any time I do anything that even resembles work I begin to pour sweat, it happened again for these simple activities. Dr. Sylvia (a promotion) told me she thinks the sweating is related to the general condition I'm in right now, that I'm weakened a bit and exertion comes at a cost now.
Tomorrow is a very important day work wise. There are several that just have to be written so I hope I have another good night of rest. It helps to just lay around and take it easy.
Thank you for your concern re: illness. I'm better than yesterday.

love to all


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