Sunday, October 18, 2009

Non productive day

Dear Family and Friends,
The main thing I accomplished today was a nice walk with Ken around the lake. After that I've just lazed around and rested accomplishing almost nothing. This evening Ken called and he sounded rough. He is just back from two weeks of vacation and it sounds like he came home with a bad cold.
Well in fact I just set up some orders that have come in over the weekend and if I felt great there is lots to do, so I've got to find a way to feel great and get to work.
Once a person is feeling poorly it sure makes it easier to know how others are feeling as they wrestle with illness. This afternoon I found a burst of energy and cleaned the kitchen counters, threw some stuff away, found places for other things in the shelves and cabinets and was able to wash the tile countertops from end to end.
Mid afternoon Marilyn came bursting through the door with gossip and tales of her adventures moving from casino to casino and purchasing food for friend and foe alike. She is home and seemed tired for some reason, could it be late night forays into dens of iniquity? Who knows, she is telling all.

Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, well that's according to Ray, and of course I'm scheduled to conduct a couple inspections. Rain and inspections do not go well with each other but as I think back I've measured homes through all kinds of challenges. I've had to climb piles of junk, old cars, boats, dense foliage, deep oozing mud, overflowing pools, down pouring cloudbursts, 3 foot deep snowbanks, 115 degree heat and yapping dogs that "never bite", yea right! Beware of homes in brand new subdivisions that are built on fill dirt, one can lose a shoe or even a pair of pants by sinking deep into the mud. Yet my least favorite thing is to be upstairs in a house that has stood empty for months and the temperature is close to 120.

Every job has its ups and downs and for an appraiser it is the inspection in less than ideal conditions. This is really a great job, one gets to see all kinds of houses, furniture, paint colors, cute kids and sullen teens who tend to lock their bedroom doors and refuse you entry even though you have to see the whole house.

Well the rambling has to come to an end. My head is feels like it is splitting due to the constant coughing for the last hour. Its time to rest up for tomorrow.

I send you my best wishes for an excellent week.



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