Monday, February 11, 2008

Big day on the road

Good evening my friends and family members,
Finally home and settled in front of the computer. Mail included a letter I have to pick up at the post office from our friends at IRS but no incoming checks. Starr and Lady were very happy to see me this evening, they are such a nice pair to come home to.
I walked with Ken this morning at 7, then had breakfast, then did final prep work, some last minute revisions to an appraisal that were called in at 9, the time I had planned to leave. So at 9:20 I was able to start the car, set the GPS and headed out, pay the RV parking fee, join my place in the commute line. I arrived 2 minutes early in Gilroy at the property but I could not get the owners to answer the door. My camera failed as I stepped out of the car so I reached for a backup one which I hope did a good job of photos today, otherwise I'll be back over the same path again. The last comp I shot was right down the street from Art and Connie's place, Art and I went to lunch at a great little place they have discovered and then too soon it was time to leave my friend and counselor. I then drove to Irene and Ron's home along the way. I ended up staying to long there and was late to the Oakland appointment but they were there and it worked out fine. Then to Berkeley which was at the upper edge of the city adjacent to the very top of the hills. I never could get that person to answer the door, lights were on but no one was at home so I measured the home, shot photos and left. I drove home and on the way had an interesting phone call, a lady called and I discovered it was someone trying to reach my stolen phone. I kindly told her that the person she was trying to reach had my phone. She spoke for a bit explaining that he was in the hospital and felt bad about the phone. Later she called back to tell me he had decided to turn the phone in to AT&T in Concord. If that really happens it would be wonderful to get my phone numbers and photos back, of course now what do I do with the new phone that arrived by DHL today? We will have to see how it plays out but I found it interesting, the whole process.
AFter a quick stop for bananas at CostCo which turned out badly, they had no bananas in the entire store I drove on home stopping to pick up new batteries at the Longs. My camera signalled this morning that the batteries had failed. It is interesting as I only changed the batteries on Friday in Hughson. They don't go bad that fast so I must have purchased dead batteries.
Tomorrow I work in mostly and once again face a new round of conditions, lenders are not happy no matter what you do right now, they are running scared of values that are still dropping in some cases.
I am thankful this evening for a safe day behind the wheel, for seeing my friends Art and Irene, for having work to do. I am also thankful that I got to talk to Nikki this evening and she is feeling better, had a sleepy day in meetings and was ready to try to get some sleep.
Tomorrow I get to pick up Keanna from her school, take her to her dance class and see her in action. Can't wait.
Please let me know if you are having trouble logging messages, Sharon told me this evening that she wrote a big message and then it just disappeared. That is very discouraging. Perhaps we can put the people who have figured out the system to share the hows with those who want to master the system.
Love to all this evening,



Anonymous said...

I don't know how to prevent the blog from losing comments, but I do have a suggestion for alleviating this frustration. When you finish typing a comment, before attempting to publish it, copy it onto the clipboard (select it all and press Ctrl-C). Then if it does get lost, you can paste it into another comment (Ctrl-V) and/or an e-mail instead of having to type it all again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim & Bloggers,

Here is how I do it and so far it seems to work!

Things have changed since this morning. Where did the old format go?

Bob & Carrol.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,& Bloggers,
Me again.

Type in comment, Scroll down to Open ID, click on it, Scroll down to Name/URL, click on it,Scroll down to Name and put Your name in. Scroll down to Publish Your Comment, click on it and it seems to go fine.

Bob & Carrol.