Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday evening

Good evening friends and family members,
I sincerely hope your weekend had as many high points as mine did. Yes in spite of many hours alone here in my home still I have enjoyed some laughs, some good tastes and some accomplishments.
Ken and I walked this morning and found a beautiful day waiting. After a breakfast of shredded wheat and a pear I showered and put on shorts, yes the house is that warm these days. Well the shorts were a good idea until the furnace set back for the day, back to 62 and then it grew a bit cooler. I settled in to work and have accomplished most of my list. Several appraisals are emailed out, others are near to going out, tomorrow is fully researched with maps printed, comps selected and appointments confirmed. I'll leave around 9 to drive to Gilroy to see a ranchette, then hope to have lunch with Art who lives in Gilroy part of the time, then back to Oakland for a 3 pm appointment and then on to Berkeley for a 5 pm appointment. After that the struggle to cope with traffic takes over for the next hour or so. So it will be a good day and I am very thankful for the FHA work from my friend Tom.
This afternoon I could tell something was not right for me blood sugar wise, I felt weak and confused. I had some orange juice and some lunch and eventually I felt better, then later in the afternoon I again felt the effects of low blood sugar. The first time it was 84 and the next it was 87, neither of which is critical but unusally low for me since I've been finding sugar levels of 157 to 279 which is way too high. So something kicked in today to lower the level to a much safer level. Finally this evening I decided to get some air so I backed the bug out and gave it a wash down. Only when I was in town at Longs did I look closer and found that I missed large sections of the car totally in the failing light as I was washing it. I found it very funny and laughed out loud which startled me so then I laughed again on purpose. It felt good to laugh at myself. I was reminded of how often when you have kids who are holding fund raiser car wash do your car they miss sections, well here I who am really quite adult missed large sections.
I tried my hand at boiling eggs today and that worked out well. I love to peel an egg and eat it or put it on a peanut butter sandwich, that part might be beyond what most of you can tolerate but then I like peanut butter a lot. I'm currently using a peanut butter which is designed for diabetics, hope it is the right stuff.
So as I face a new week the bank deposits are in, the bills are pretty much paid for the next couple days, the car has fuel, the decks are doggie deposit cleared, the floors are mopped, the dishwasher is partially loaded waiting for more dishes and pans and the christmas tree remains, waiting for just the right moment to have its beautiful ornaments removed.
I am gradually getting a file system set up in preparation for when Marilyn comes in the spring to sort a huge stack of papers, I know she just loves to sort. I'm afraid my trusty Kodak camera is nearing the last of its useful life. It does not always flash for interior photos anymore, I think it is just tired. I know it has given me nearly 100,000 photos in its lifetime and hardly ever fails. I do not like change, not at all but I think I need to switch to one of the other cameras Nan had purchased from QVC. There are several sitting around and one was being sold on QVC today for $148 that Nan purchased over a year ago, a Pentax 7 megapixel camera with nice features, that might just be the new work camera.
I've felt pretty good this weekend emotion wise. Keanna talks a lot about Nan when she is here and I like that, Keanna will not forget her grammy ever. She made a comment that is so true. She said, Timothy probably won't remember his Grammy will he? I told her that was true but we would show him photos of he and her together and that was the best we could do. She was happy that she and Nikki purchased flowers for Nan's grave to celebrate her birthday. It seems what we are dealing with are very brutal realities, Nan fought a very good fight, she was brave and did all she could and we then lost her to the terrible tumors. Others are still fighting and we had 12 years from the onset of the disease until we lost her. She is gone, that is the brutal fact that is so hard to accept. I am one that loves to solve problems, I took on her war with the tumors personally and did everything in my power to hold them back and we won battle after battle over the years and then we lost. I hate losing and I hate losing Nan even more. She was mine to protect, to support, to hold and to cherish. Now there is void that nothing even comes close to filling. You help when you reach out, like lunch with Arthur tomorrow, I look forward to it, it makes my day, I am not alone because of it.
This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through and it seems alot less like home with Nan gone.
Come Lord Jesus, come soon.



Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

I just got back from taking Carrol to Band Practice and found a few minutes to check the Net for News & Mail.

My trip to Lincoln to visit the Indians house of Fun & Games, 53 of Us plus the Driver & Guide on a very comfortable Bus left Lodi at 8:30 and arrived back at 4:00. All of Us left a few $$'s there and some of Us even brought a few $$'s back.

Carrol slept in till Noon and then went to a Movie about 23 Dresses with Her Girl friend. She said it was very funny and they enjoyed it.

My Sister arrived from Palm Springs and will be with Us for a week, We take Her to the Airport on Sunday Morning.

Sounds like You need a course in baisic "Car Washing Instructions" I will give You a free session on that subject any time You are ready! Sorry ,I'm no good at "Furnace Repair". At least You have all summer to get it ready for Next Winter.

Take Care and have a good week,

Bob & Carrol.

Wes said...


I wonder myself if I have fought a good fight. Have I won or did I loose? How can you tell? My current theory is this. Each day is a new day with new and old challenges in it. We must be prepared to give our all and maybe we will be a little better tomorrow than we are today.

Even on my worst day I have the hope that I will be forgive of all my shortcomings and be ready for each new day with hope of a better day. Even my friends seem to overlook my many short comings which also increases my courage to out into the world each day.


ps Go to dinner in Berkeley after your last appointment and miss the traffic. The old two stones with one bird deal!