Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Colonoscopy just ahead......

Dear Family and Friends,
Today was a day with beautiful weather. From my early morning walk until now a spring feeling is in the air. After the walk and not being able to eat any breakfast I went to work. I waded through value checks, talked to clients, emailed, faxed and prepared for a 1 pm appointment. Just before I was ready to leave I get a call saying, hold up on that, we don't have FHA approval yet. I really hate to have a perfectly good schedule blown away so I showered, did some more work and then left for Longs in Brentwood where my special brew was waiting for me. $30 later I took the two pills with water and drove to Pleasant Hill, the appointment went great the lady was nice, the property well maintained, the neighborhood nice and quiet. As I finished shooting the comps I noticed that the pills were starting to work on my body so finding a Taco Bell for a restroom was nice, then home through nasty 5 pm traffic. I stopped at Safeway to try to locate something clear that I could eat and found some Jello and clear juices but since starting this beverage I really don't feel hungry, mostly I just like to read magazines located in the bathroom. I think it is working!
Once again today the mail brought no checks so its time to begin pursuing the clients, urging them to pay up.
Art and Connie are home from their two day camping adventure. They enjoyed beautiful weather, good friendship and dominos. What more could someone want?
I wanted to mention again the very special printed book that Karen Cress prepared. I'll need to get the web address for the site where the book can be purchased. It is really a great book and perhaps Karen can put the address in a response to the blog.

Well this evening can not get over quickly enough.

Take care each and every one of you. Express love while you can!



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