Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Wintery Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,
I winding it down this evening after a full weekend. As you know Keanna came to visit, then I spent Saturday with Nikki, Steve and Keanna and today I rose to a warm home, yes the furnace worked again. I believe it has worked all day today. I have it set just above freezing on its automatic setback program. Brings the temp up to 67 at 6 am, then drops back to 62 for the day, then up to 68 for the evening and then back to 62 or so for the night. The device seems to work better now that it has new batteries, not sure how many years the old ones served but they were retired. Yet there are time when the air blows but there is no heat in it. Then I have to turn it off and start it up again and usually the hot air blows again. No a perfect system but oh so much better than it was.
I went back to the cell phone store tonight to take back the blue tooth device that only failed. The place was empty of customers, seems the super bowl was still on. Well on the advice of Les Dunston I moved up the scale a bit to a highly rated blue tooth which has noise cancelling built in. It will take the background noise or wind noise and wipe it out to one can hear the conversation taking place. Lets hope this one works or I'm not sure what to do. I've come to feel much more safe driving the beetle without having to hold the phone, shift, steer etc. Right now I don't know if the new device will work or not as it has to be plugged in to charge for up to 4 hours before using.
On the way home I went to the grocery store for a few things, you know $20 worth and spent $80. The little mandarin oranges looked so good and the tomatoes and the salad. Now I'm stocked for the week.
Somehow I managed to lose the atm card connected with my private checking account. That the one I use for fuel, food, eating out. So until a new card arrives I'm out of luck with that account and of course the business account has $2,000 one day and minus $35 the next. Its always a challenge to keep up with so many ways for the funds to be spent.
Steve came by today to pick up a file and we ended up talking about redoing the front yard. It badly needs new sod and some hedge and a new sprinkler system. Nice thing about Steve is, he is more than talk, he can make all that happen, he is amazing in his abilities.
I am about ready to place the stair chair on the market. I spoke to someone who asked that I hold it for a few days but that was weeks ago so I think I'll get it on craigs list and see what happens. I'd like to take that income, fix the van where it got dented once in a parking facility in Oakland and replace the very broken windshield, get it detailed and either sell it or keep it tucked away in the garage for when visitors come.
I walked this morning, it was clear sunshine but very cold at first, then the wind came up, the sun went away and then it was really cold but I made it around the 2.5 miles, then oakmeal, then off to see the local place that has to have a value by tomorrow. It was a lovely home, updated in every way and backs to the water, has a large deck and small dock. What a nice place and great people to work with. Then back to work in the warm office for awhile.
So life is like this, I'm alone unless I made an effort to visit with someone else, that is the huge difference between now and 2 years ago. Never alone, always Nan to talk with, to work things through, to just sit and watch TV together. Its a different life, one that has little joy unless you make the joy yourself. What good news to hear this evening that Jason and Jo were back from Vegas. Jason said they sat on the tarmac for 2+ hours waiting to take off from Vegas after the plane was already over an hour late to board. He and Jo had just gotten to the Leoni's where Timothy was staying and the super bowl was almost over by then. So even Vegas has problems getting planes in and out. Of course right now weather is a huge issue. My brother Jerry said that while he was home in Weed over the weekend they were hit by a blizzard with blowing snow and it really stacked up on the ground. He found snow by the tracks all the way down to Redding and piles of snow even slowed his trip back in its effect on some of the track functions. He was glad to be home and in his chair.
I am continuing to enjoy the fruit from the fruit basket Lori and husband sent. It is just so good tasting, like perfect. Thanks very much.

So another week is on us. Lets all do our best to make it a caring week, a quality week and a week that our spouses know we love them.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

The Sun is shining here and it is looking like We will have a nice day for a change.

I just got back from an early follow up Dr appointment with My Dr. He tells Me that My numbers are very good except for about 10/15 extra pounds that I need to find a new place for. Glad for the good report and hope things continue that way. I need to bee on the top of My game to be able to provide the best care for Carrol as She needs it.

The Power Chair People were here Friday and installed New Batteries & Wheels on Carrol's Jazzy Chair. They do that every Year whether it is needed or not and Medicare picks up the tab , $600.00 or more, What a waste of funds but I guess that is the way the system works.

We are off to the Senior Center for a Chicken Lunch today and the Movie tomorrow is "The Bucket List" supposed to be a funny one.

Have a great Day and stay safe & Warm.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.
Give some thought to the Olive Garden for Lunch on Sabbath. We will call Bernice & Lloyd and see if they can join Us there too.