Thursday, February 7, 2008

Some days are better than others for all of us

This has not been one of the good days. Its been very long and started with an excellent walk in the beautiful morning. Then breakfast, then office. Spent an hour trying to work out phone issues, finally got the cell phone number for the phone I lost, 998 9855, forwarded to Nan's phone which is still working. Then worked through conditions that had to be met today, then did research for an appraisal gone bad in Mountain View, reviewer cut a value by $400,000 and they need a new driveby by morning so I do research and then leave, Loree came by and found money in the mail, prepared a deposit for business account, Wonderful!, thanks Loree. Then drive to AT&T store to get insurance to hand me a new phone, whoops, no I have to call a 800 number and wait for days for the new phone to arrive, wasted trip after all. Then to Mountain View, GPS tells me it is over a hour away, traffic makes it nearly 2 hours. Then find the addresses and a much needed bathroom, the problem with drinking a lot of water. Then realize that its too late to make last appointment of the day in Gilrow but phone number for the people is back in the office. So dear sweet LeAnn to the rescue. She comes over and finds the number for me so I can call and reschedule for Monday, then head home at the worst time of the day traffic wise, another 2 hours to come home, miss grief recovery group by an hour. Dogs were glad to see me and had a request list for me, treats please. Finally something I can do well, feed them treats. Feed the fish, have a tomato sandwich, then to the desk to catch up on emails, work requests, conditions. Now time to go to bed. Not much fun in this day at all. Yet God has kept me safe in my 5 hours on the road, kept me in decent health all day with no diabetic moments. New blue tooth is now mated to Nan's older phone and works perfectly. There are so many things I need to do, car is desperate for an oil change and wash, clothes need to be washed, value checks are stacking up, conditions are there, reports need to be completed and out, appointments to be made, yikes. If God is in the details then He is very near!
How was your day? I hope it made more sense than mine did. All day my phone kept ringing with calls from the nitwits that stole my phone, they can call out but when someone calls them back I get the call here. I offered a reward, finders fee if they would just return the phone but of course that requires too much brain power to think through. Well I had thought to upgrade my phone but of course I have 8 months to go on the contract before I can do that, meanwhile Nan's phone is offering an upgrade.
Tomorrow evening some peace will descend on this household as Keanna comes for a sleep over. We will do puzzles, read books, color and talk. How I look forward to some peace and quiet with my guest. Then to Sabbath School in Tracy and perhaps to Olive Garden with Bob and Carrol, the Whites and the Guptils. Thats more like living, something to look forward to.

So friends, thanks for listening to my tirade. Yes some days are better than other ones, I certainly hope so!

love from my house to yours and from my heart to yours,

ps If my spelling has gone down hill well the blog will no longer let me do spell check and I can't find out where I turn it back on again. sorry.


Wes said...


Oh' Happy day, oh happy day let me tell you how to see things in a happier way. Just take an minute and put on these glasses, I know they are dirty but you can still see through them. I cleaned them last week. Just put them on already. What? Yes, I do know they are colored, rose my favorite.

Lets review your day Timmy.

without glasses with glasses

I can't walk excellent walk

I don't have food exploding oat

no work plenty of work

no money money came today

lost phone no missed calls

no car car needs oil changed

Let's just cross over to the sunny side of the street. It doesn't make it any better. It just seems like it does. Come by any time and I will let you borrow mine.


Git r done!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Your Phone Carrier should disable Your Phone right away, NO CALLS!!

Thank goodness the Furnace is working finally, now that it is starting to warm up. Well it will be ready for the next cold spell.

We will be at the Spaghetti Factory this Evening about 5:30/6:00 You are welcome to join Us if You are close by. Marie Calendars has all Pies $5.99 for this Month and they are just across the road so there will be a "Must Stop" for a Pie!

Well,so much for the "Morman" connection to the White House! At least the "Poor Indians" will stay in business & Uncle Sam is going to send Us All a Rebate. I'll believe that one when the Check is in My Mail Box!

Have a Safe and less stressful day.

See You Sabbath at the Garden.

Bob & Carrol.

Anonymous said...

Hello Tim,
Well, at least you know your phone didn't go into the trash.... Don't expect to see it again though. Now, aren't you glad you had insurance?

I like Wes' philosophy today. I think it is good for all of us to take a look at the sunny side of the street. It makes us feel better even if things look glum. Yes, you did have a lot of positive things going on yesterday also.

Tomorrow Roger's choir has a concert in SC. Then afterwards we drive to Jacksonville, FL, stay over night and Sunday we drive on to Fort Lauderdale and board the ship for a 7 day cruise. Oh happy day for sure!!! We have really been looking forward to this break. One of the ladies who lives here will be on call for emergencies and will answer the phone if it rings. Everything should be fine. We are still accessible via e-mail at least. We hope there will be no ice storms or anything like that.

I think I'll vote "NO" for president this year. Our Democrat choices are a Muslim who doesn't solute our flag or a woman who already lived in the White House, stole items when she left and has few moral principles. Then the Republicans.... Hmmm ~ the one I really would like to see in probably won't be an option. Yep! I'm voting "NO".

Have a great week end. I make no promises about e-mailing you next week. I plan to enjoy the sun, sand and ocean breezes. (You already had your vacation)

Love you ~ Carol