Thursday, February 28, 2008

Its over....

Dear Family and Friends,

I am writing early tonight as I plan to go to bed early. Today started with Loren's arrival to ferry me to the hospital. He was on time and we arrived on time at the hospital where I was placed in a bed without clothes and some silly little gown that had no back, got an IV in the hand, ouch, and got some lovely saline in the line for the next hour. Loren kept me company and we solved most of the worlds bigger problems, then they rolled me away. I thought as I was on the gurney how many times I have watched Nan rolled away into the unknown, I never got used to it. Its a pretty tense moment when you see them disappear around the corner. Well today I was riding the gurney and was rolled into a special room beautifully equipped for taking photos and prodding where most of us really don't want to go at all. The doctor was there and I was asked to roll onto my side which I did, I had stickers on my chest for the monitors, oxygen and a clothespin device on a finger to measure blood oxygen levels. The next thing I knew was I was on my back and they were finished. They rolled me back to the recovery room and I was told that I could not leave until the air inside came rushing out. Sharon would have fainted as she does not really believe in intestinal discomfort much. Well that happened and after a 45 minute recovery I was wheeled out to the car and allowed freedom. As I was waking I felt so good, I think I got a glimpse of why people use drugs but it quickly passed.
Loren said where to and I said Sylvia's Kitchen, a locals place near the hospital. we had excellent omlets filled with good things, rye bread and a hot chocolate. Food really seemed good again after the day and a half fast. Then we drove home and Loren and I talked for a bit in the driveway and then he left for Tracy. What a big help he was today. Not just for the ride which was vital in itself but also for the chance to catch up on his life after retirement. He has been a school teacher for many many years and has such stories to tell from his years. He was Jason's teacher for a couple years and that was really good chemistry as Jason really enjoyed his time there.
As I settled into my work chair before long I fell asleep and was asleep for some time. It was a warm afternoon and the sleep seemed just right. Nikki called to let me know her evening plans. When I looked about I discovered I had lost my wallet. Turns out it slipped out of my pocket as we were driving home and had been wedged into the seat. So that meant a quick trip to Tracy, grab the wallet decline a wonderful meal as I was on my way to Strings in Brentwood to see Keanna and Nikki. It took a while to get our food, they were swamped when we came in but the food was good and it is always great to see them. People at the next table came over when they left to compliment Keanna on her excellent behavior. That was a nice touch and they were right, she is a very well behaved little person (most of the time).
I drove home to read my emails, sort of settle in and decide if there is anything I can do tomorrow to generate income. Looks like there is so its time to call and see for sure.
I want to express my appreciation to those of you who have had colonoscopies before and share your encouragement. It was not a bad experience and this morning when I weighed after my shower I was the lowest weight I've had in two years. Yea!
Tomorrow Keanna is coming for a sleep over and then the next day we drive to Modesto for a 3D imaging of the baby. How exciting is that! Can't wait to see the little person in action.
My brother is starting to work out details in his retirement and things are beginning to fall into place. He sounded very positive this evening and I sure have a lot of respect for a person who has had a job that often required his getting on the train at 2 am and then working 12 hours straight, night after night and he is 70 years young. I'm very relieved he is retiring and he can finally sleep at home in his own bed every night. He has done enough work.
When Loren was here today we took a look at the house which is desperate for pain. The trim is so dry that in many places it is cracking open. He has offered to help get a new coat of pain on the trim so as the weather gets better I think we are going to have a big day with as many painters as we can find to get some new paint on this ol house. Loren really knows his stuff about painting and I trust his judgement.
For now I'm winding it down and heading to bed.
So good night my friends and family,
Thanks for the many prayers and emails and calls of concern for this day and I'm very very glad it is over. The doctor said he took 2 polops off. They will be sent to the lab and then we'll see if they are dangerous or not.


1 comment:

loren dunston said...

Hi, Glad you survived your day just fine. Glad, also that your wallet was here and not at the hospital or restaraunt. Too bad I didn't know it had cash in it!!
