Friday, February 1, 2008

Keanna is in the house!

Dear Family and Friends,
Tonight Keanna is tucked safely in her room
in newly washed sheets and with her special pillow and blankets. Nikki brought her and made dinner for all of us, that was a very nice gesture and much appreciated by pappa. Then Keanna brought out some toys she enjoys and busied herself creating a hospital and the people that work there. Later she asked if we could do a puzzle. It has been years since I attempted a puzzle and this is one that Marilyn brought her from Sacramento. We had a blast putting it together and this kid is sharp, knows how to find the right pieces and make them fit. Then it was time for a story and sleepy land. Nikki had searched the house earlier to locate a night light that still burned, all had burned out bulbs but we found one in the bathroom. What a joy and what an incentive to get busy, do the wash, clean up the room for her highness. Tomorrow we are all doing something together that has to do with Disney, however beyond that I do not know, but if Nikki and Steve invite then I'm there.
Ken had a meeting so I walked by myself this morning. I've got to admit, it continues to be very hard work but so worth it the rest of the day. I no longer feel sluggish, have much more energy, less pains and have a more positive impression of myself. After a quick breakfast of bananas and oatmeal (in the bowl wes) I jammed some work out and then hit the road for nearby Rio Vista, a little town made famous by the whales that wander up the river away from the ocean. As I visited with the occupant I discovered to my delight that they are a Seventh-day Adventist Family who have links to people I knew in the Seminary in Andrews so long ago. The home was lovely and they homeschool two young sons.
Then to lunch at Subway, garden burger patty on wheat bread, nice! Then to San Ramon for a driveby, then home to clean and get ready.
I am having a very difficult time with my bluetooth, a device that hooks in your ear and connects wirelessly to your cell phone so you can drive hands free and yet talk. I've had one for a year which never failed but when I forgot and wore it into the shower it stopped working. So I purchased the same unit in a newer model from the same store. It failed repeatedly so I returned it and they kindly gave me a new unit which fails even more than the prior new unit. It now does not connect at all. I'm frustrated as I've come to rely on having this device, I can take calls while I am measuring a house, driving or anywhere, well at least I could before the most recent problems. I hate to be a pest at the AT&T store but it is not working at all. Ideas!
I have included a couple photos from this time last year. I enjoy seeing photos of Nan smiling and enjoying life. They also remind us of the tremendous care and love given by Mary and by Bob and Carrol. How precious are the memories of when these dear people would come and visit, rub Nan's feet or legs, talk quietly with her, laugh and cry. More often than not both mary and Bob and Carrol would see Nan weekly and how she looked forward to those visits, friends with only love in their hearts giving courage and compassion. We've had dozens of God's best who have given Nan and myself their time, their gas for travel involved, their words of cheer and I pay tribute to people who put legs on their best wishes. Thank you each and every one.
When I came home this afternoon the furnace had decided to take a brief vacation and was only blowing cold, cold air but after I turned it off and then back on again it once again warmed the home in a few minutes. While not perfect I am very thankful that Keanna does not have to walk around in a frozen house this weekend.
Jason and Jo are in Vegas, Jason is at a conference representing MBA and Jo is seeing vegas for the first time. They come back on Sunday and Timothy is visiting the Leoni's, the former next door neighbors who now live in San Jose. I can well remember the first time we went away and left Nikki with someone. It felt very strange, scary really yet we all survived it just fine and she learned to sleep through the night that weekend.
This has been a good week overall. Both Sylvia and I continue to go about the motions of living even when our hearts are somewhere else. Life right now does not have huge rewards but there are moments when it seems to start making sense again.
love to all,
ps Thank you Art for your supporting calls, you are a great help!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
I'm real proud of you for walking even when you don't feel like it and your walking partner couldn't go with you. Now that's commitment! Good for you! It also helps to feel the benefit of your effort.

The ice is gone. Now we have a thick layer of frost on the roof tops this morning. The temperature is supposed to soar to 56 today. That's NC... The temperature varies so much from day to day. If you don't like the weather ~ just wait. There's something for everyone. Next week the forecast is for temperatures in the 60's. That's not hard to take.

Have another good day with your little Keanna. What a joy she is to you. Enjoy the rest and renewal of the day.

Love ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,

Happy Sabbath Day and do enjoy the time with Your G.Daughter.

We are again looking at a cloudy sky and feeling a sharp nip it the air but hoping for warmer times to be here soon. Then We can complain about the HEAT !

We have friends coming over for Table Games (Mexican Train, Dominos & Tile Rummy maybe even a round of UNO) this evening and I think We will be at the Woodbridge Pizza Place again for some treats & Salad. You must join Us again there soon.

Yesterdays Lunch at the Senior Center was Chicken Gumbo & Corn Bread with Peach Cobler for desert. Very tasty and no mess in our kitchen! We do appreciate having the Center for lunch nearly every week day except when they have what We do not choose to eat.

Have a good day and lets hope Your Furnace decides to keep working and keep You comfortable. Give Keanna a hug from Uncle Bob & Auntie Carrol, She is such a ray of Sunshine.

See You Soon,

Bob & Carrol.