Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gymnastics by Keanna

Dear Readers,
Bob has given some good advice to wood be writers to the blog. I'm sorry it has turned out to be complicated and I'd love to hear from you.
Today was routine: Walk early, shower, oatmeal, ripe pear, orange juice, sausage, meds, work, turn on new phone, call all AT&T cell offices in Concord and Pleasant Hill area in case old phone gets dropped off, pay bills, set up orders, answer conditions, make big plans for the day, then make smaller plans for the day, leave at 4 pm to pick up Keanna, make deposit, pick up IRS fanmail from Post Office, warning, going to lien everything including your dogs if you don't mail in money!, pick up Keanna, start getting happy as she is so thrilled to see her pappa, drive to gymnastics but stop at Taco Bell on way so she can get chips for snack along with the good snack her daddy had packed in her lunch pail, observe 45 minutes of non stop learning, exercising, joy, then back to car, call Steve, yes he is coming in for dinner, have dinner with the three of us, more pure joy, then they go their way and I go mine, home to work a bit more, print out orders, messages, conditions, value checks, feed dogs, feed fish, feed cats, don't feed Tim, had enough in town, 9:20 talked to Art a bit, contemplating going to bed now early for a change.
Tomorrow is a real exciting day, get to meet the doctor who will conduct the colonoscopy. I see him at 11 in Antioch, then drive to Berkeley for missed appointment, lender ordered wrong address, then to Walnut Creek to see property, then to Dr. Jim for 6 pm class on living with diabestes and learning to cook right. Then home at last.
While we were eating tonight Nikki called, she is having a decent time there but so wants to get home to her loved ones. She talked to Keanna on the blue tooth I held to her ear.
My new phone is great, has nicer features than last one but of course takes a different charger so no car charger and just one house charger now. Oh well. Just glad to have a working phone again. My personal email is timmustard@yahoo.com or the business email is discoapp@comcast.net. I have lost your phone numbers so if you would like to have me call you please send your phone numbers. I would appreciate it very much. I can get some from Nan's phone but I'd like to get them from you if possible, then I know they are right.
When I talked to Jason and Timothy tonight it sounded like Timothy is improving from his first big cold. He is starting to say pappa, well no he is actually starting to say mama much to their delight.
I am so thankful, even though I have not lost a lot of weight so far I am feeling so much better, no more chest pains, I can walk any distance now without heavy breathing, I feel totally alive again and I really think the walking every morning with Ken has made a huge difference. I sure appreciate having a walking buddy and no we don't always get to walk together as he does taxes and this is his season to be very busy including early appointments and such. If you can possibly find someone to walk with I urge you to do it. At first your body feels like Wes described, pains and it seems you just can't do it but after a few weeks you crave it and hate to miss your walk. Its that good and now with better weather it is even more joyful.
I thank God for Keanna and Timothy. They are a constant reminder of how precious the life we have is and how we need to do all in our power to express love, support, forgiveness and encourage each other to go for our goals, to stretch, to chose to be happy each day, to laugh, to sing, to love. Someone today said it well, innocence, that is what they have and its nice to have a bit of it around.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tim,
Thought I's try my luck at checking in. Think of you always and keep you in prayer.
Love, Aunt Ann