Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Busy day, Keanna does the park...

Good evening,
What an exciting day, well at least for a tired old Pappa. At the kids house at 6:30, nap in the recliner until 7:30 when Keanna gets up, dresses, comes down to eat the breakfast I have prepared, then wake up Kallie who beams a huge smile when you enter her room, then get them loaded up and down the road. This morning Keanna and I were pretty sure we were going to be late and she was very worried about it, the gate was still open, nice! Then I came home to deliver the van to Marilyn for her day in Sac. Ask me if she is home yet? Not! Then to work in the office. More orders came in, conditions to fix and send, computer issues but finally solved. Then Ken, an appraiser friend, came to do the value as of the date of death for Dec. 4. It was very nice to catch up with him and he confirms that there is hardly any work out there at all. He used the S word several times, survival!
I picked up Keanna at 2 at the school and brought her home where she watched DVD's that Lois provided, had Cheerios and Ritz crackers and then suggested we go to the park. So I put work aside and we walked to the park. She played with several other kids and their dogs for what seemed a long time. Then we walked back home having enjoyed perfect weather and a great time in the sun. We drove her home and went to Tracy to enjoy Olive Garden. This evening we would especially like to thank Ken and LeAnn for the gift certificate given on my birthday. Thanks so much.
Now its time to head to bed. It is such an honor to be able to help care for the little ones. They are precious gifts from God and very easy to love and cherish.
Tomorrow will be a hard work day and on Thursday I am actually seeing a couple properties. Now if they will all just pay up things would be even nicer for all.
I'm trying very hard to work out of the positive memories file cabinet and enjoy the blessings of each day, become open to God's leading, be aware of the needs of others and rise to the challenge of doing good work in a timely manner.
You fit into this plan. I know that many of you have been waiting to see how I would turn out, will I find my way forward? will I rediscover the zest for living? will I get a grasp on my physical health and live better? Well lets all just stay tuned and find out.

I think I have the best bunch of family and friends in the world. There is not a bad one in the bunch, how can that be?


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