Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sabbath evening

Dear Family and Friends,
Keanna came to visit last night and that was magic. She finally fell asleep about 9 after her mom called to say there had been an earthquake. the got her attention. I walked with Ken this morning and when I got back she and Marilyn were downstairs playing. I made breakfast for Keanna which she slowly ate and then returned her to her mother at 8:30. Then I went back home and snoozed a bit and got ready for church.
It was a very good experience to sit in church, to sing in church, to try out different parts, I can now sing bass as well as tenor. We heard wonderful special music, reports about the back to school night at the local church sponsored school, a sneak preview of the speaker next week, a report by Sylvia on the search for a new pastor for Tracy, how we miss Jim! Then Rod stood to speak, Rod Western is a pretty amazing guy. He can do a lot of things including telling a pretty good bible story, today Daniel came to life, Rod did a great job of inspiring, reminding and encouraging us to live for what we believe. Then it was back to the bug where the AC finally totally gave out so I just drove faster going home. I rested some and made a snack of a slice of my bread with peanut butter, sharp cheese and fresh tomatoes from Steve and Keanna's garden. Talk about good. I know Pam thought I was totally weird having peanut butter and cheese but protein rules and I happen to really love peanut butter with most things.
It seems hardly possible that in a week Marilyn will be heading home to Rhode Island. Her stay has been a very big encouragement for the family and for me as well. I think she has enjoyed herself too in the process but she does miss her kidos on the east coast.
It was so good to be reminded today of just how special living in America is, free to worship, free to travel, to succeed, to launch your kids into their futures.
So I bid each one of you a good night or morning depending on when you are reading this. I was so touched by Dave's prayer request today for people he has met as he works neighborhoods for the Lord, nearly everyone is facing something serious, how we need each other and how good it is to have each other.

love to all,



Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
I'm very glad you had such a good Sabbath and the opportunity to worship with friends. So, you sing bass as well as tenor now? That's a novel thought. In heaven maybe you can sing both at the same time. I hope you find as good a pastor as you had in the past. It's difficult to replace a special pastor. We love ours, but I'm not telling you who he is. He's only been with us a little over a year, so I don't think he will be wanting to leave us yet ~ I hope.

Roger is out mowing already on this Sunday a.m. I hope the neighbors don't mind too much. They are all good church going people.

Too bad Marilyn has to leave already. I hope she is able to finish Nan's desk before she leaves. I'm sure that is a job you hate to face. Marilyn sounds like a good organizer. Maybe she will find a buried treasure in there somewhere. Who knows? Could happen....

Have a great week. I hope the bug's A/C is nothing major. I thought you just got that fixed???

Love ya' ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim & Marilyn,

We enjoyed a good Pot-Luck Lunch at Bob Tan's Home with the Seniors from the Center. The Mayor of Lodi was there too as well as a Photographer & Helper from the Local Newspaper. Our Senior Center is in the middle of a major fund raising effort to redo the Kitchen at the Center and the Comunity is very much involved in it.

Hope Your Trip to the Foothills Yesterday was a good time for the both of You. We are looking for things to cool off a bit today. Band Concert this PM at 5:30. It is outside and by 4:30 the Bandstand will be in the shade so that will be nice, hoping for a little breeze to make things really comfortable on the grass. Usually a good turnout for this event every Year. Folks bring their Chairs,Coolers & Picnic food etc.

Have a good Sunday & stay COOL!

Bob & Carrol.