Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The light of my life.........

Dear Family and Friends,

Oh wow I could use more hours. My day began at 6:10 with the awful alarm clock clanging, then to the shower, throw some clothes on and make a deposit at the bank, yes a nice fat deposit for a change, then watch the girls wake, make breakfast, race to the car and an on time arrival at school for Keanna. Then Kallie delivered to her sitters, then home to change cars, then golf course to pick up a new check, the lady decided during the night she wrote me a check fromt he wrong account, then back to bank to trade checks, then check back to the lady, then home to begin working. I used the time to write a purchase appraisal for a two unit property in Hayward, then it was 2 pm and time to pick up Keanna at school, then to the bank to pay an old 941, yes finally enough money to cover it, then back to work and Keanna did homework, then Nikki arrives and needs some air in a front tire.

I had a driveby appraisal to do for a foreclosure in Brentwood, then we met at Strings for dinner and Keanna began to sing songs she is learning at school. What a ham and talented little lady. She's got the words and actions down, what fun. She has a bit of Nikki's spaghetti and it had some garlic and she then proceeded to breathe on me knowing that garlic has a special odor. A very cute moment.

Now I'm home setting up more orders that have come in, no problem really, they reach from Rocklin to the Oakhurst with a few more local places thrown in, Antioch, Crockett, you name it. I'm delighted to have work and now its a matter of getting things completed in an orderly manner. It's a very nice kind of problem.

Tomorrow I talk to the IRS once again about working out an agreement for the years 2005 and 2007. 2006 is paid in full.

As I reflect over my life these last few days I can only be grateful for health, family, friends and opportunities.

I think we need to continue to remember Keith Tall as he battles to get back on his feet, for Jim Miller and his wife as they cope with the loss of their new office, up in smoke and flames yesterday. Now it will take a few weeks to have the repairs done before they can set up their special medical therapy office in Tracy. It must be discouraging for them. Fortunately they have the loving support of George and Yvonne and you can't get better support than that!

So good friends, good night


Anonymous said...

Hi Tim, You sound soooo busy! But things look are looking better for you. The picture of Nikki and Kallie are sweet...sweet girls!! And Keanna is always a breath of fresh air! Gerry got a nice little case of the shingles on his lower back. He has been sleeping a lot from the medication and his back is hurting...especially at night so he gets up and sleeps in the recliner for awhile then back to bed for awhile then into the bath tub for a nice soaking. Today we went to McDonald's for lunch with 4 other friends. I have been wanting to try their new ice coffee drink and wouldn't you know it, their machine was out of order and being worked on but not completed so I guess we will have to go another day. If the lady in the dark dress (in your other blog) was Mema, it sure didn't look like her. Anyway, it was nice you could see her again. She was always very nice to you. I remember when she bought you a new pant suit; that light green one. How nice of Sylvia and the other lady to clean your house while you were gone. Sylvia is a good cleaner! Maybe when you come to Rocklin we could meet at Spaghetti Factory or Taco Bell of??? Let us know. Love, Barb

Anonymous said...

And a good morning to you form NC!

What a whirl-wind day you had yesterday, but it looks like you are thriving on it. Life really can be good again. You have work, checks coming in, you get to see your very special kids everyday, 2006 taxes paid with only 2 more years to go, AND you have a clean house! Enjoy those good days.

We have been getting little gentle rains, but we really need a good down pour to fill the lakes. We hear reports of major flooding around the nation and even in our state, yet we are still getting very little here. There seems to be enough lately to green up the grass, but that's about all.

We are getting a new web site and web host. We have been having major problems with the one we currently have. We depend heavily on our web contacts and e-mail reservations. When we cannot be reached we lose business. Check us out in a couple of days at lakemontcottages.com When our business is slow and our competitors are full and we have a nicer facility ~ there's a problem! .

Keep on having those really good days!

Love ya' ~ Carol

Deborah W said...

Carol says it well, "enjoy these good days." We all need to remember that. Knowing that they always eventually come around helps us get through the inevitable bad ones. Have a great (and busy!) week. Deborah