Monday, September 8, 2008

The two file cabinets

Dear Family and Friends,
As I work through the book Dolly sent to me I continually challenged to move to a more positive manner of living. This evening I was reading where Joel speaks of a person having two file cabinets in the mind, one where all the negative and awful things are stored and the other where all the blessings and good memories are stored. He suggested that as we live we have a choice to constantly go back to the file where terrible, unfair and awful memories exist and replay them in our mind or instead turn to the file where good memories and positive things are stored and dwell on these things. What a challenging picture this presents. Give up on feeling sorry and regretful over the bad things that have happened, give up on bringing them up over and over again and turn to living life in a positive manner, replaying excellent memories and events, of kindnesses extended and the good of life.
This morning I had a great opportunity. It did not feel like that when the alarm finally went off at 6 am. All night I kept waking to hope that the alarm would go off on time, I didn't want to let the kids down, they were counting on me being there to help with the girls. I was using an alarm clock that I have seldom used. It worked perfectly and I think I'll sleep with more confidence tonight. This morning I arrived at Nikki and Steve's about 6:20, Nikki was getting ready to leave and Steve was also preparing to head out for his day of work. I rested in a nice recliner until Kallie began to stir around 7. Then I went up and was greeted with such a wonderful smile. We went downstairs and later Keanna woke, dressed and prepared for her day. I made a breakfast, put Kallie in her swing where she continued to smile and play happily. Then at the appointed time we boarded the van and headed to school to deliver Keanna just on time and then find the sitter for Kallie. Then it was home for a breakfast and shower. We left soon afterwards for Hayward after dropping the bug off for AC work. We made a quick trip to Hayward, inspected the condo, shot comps and left for the school back in Disco Bay to pick up Keanna. I was a few minutes early and Keanna was happy to see me. We came home where she worked on watching a movie and doing her homework, had a little snack of Cheerios. Nikki came later to pick her up for dance class.
This evening we headed out for cat food, fish food and people food which we found in Antioch. After a nice dinner we are home with Marilyn watching deal or no deal and I'm blogging to you my friends. A couple orders came in today which I was glad to receive.
I'm thinking of my friend Keith Tall this evening. At church I learned that he is having some very severe pains in his back, bad enough that he cannot sleep very well and is sometimes forced to sleep in a recliner. I think he needs our prayers, Keith Tall, one of the really good guys!
When we picked up the bug tonight the bill was only $138, one small broken valve and new freon and we are running cool again. Nice!
So my friends and family, check out where you get your stimulus for life, the file of bad or the file of good memories. I'm choosing to work out of the good file. In our grief group some of the dear people relate how poorly they are cared for by family and friends as they go through their rough times. I'm sorry but I cannot relate to that personally. I feel like Nan and I and now the entire family has been treated with such loving support and kindness, with genuine love and compassion. I have no bad impressions from anyone. No one could ever ask for better support than what I have received. Thank you so much for showing the hand of God over and over to me no matter what we and now I faced over the past years.




Deb said...

Tim, I need the name of the book Dolly sent you; can you share it? I'm just coming off of some days of reading the files in the negative file cabinet! Planning a party for my mom's birthday brought me out of it this time, but there isn't always an event like that to do the job. Please email the name of the book to me, if you care to share, at I have a friend I would like to share it with as well! Continue to enjoy playing a part in your grand-daughter's lives; I can't think of a better way to spend some time! Best regards, Deborah

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

So glad to read that the Bug is cooling again for such a minimal repair cost.

What a beautiful day this is and they are saying "more of the same" to come. The cool Delta Breeze in the evening is so nice, 53 this morning.

You have Your hands full being the "Nanny" for those two little Girls so early in the AM. Isn't it nice to be able to turn them over to their caregivers and go about Your business. How do these Young People do it every day!! I guess the Key Word is "YOUNG".

Have a good week and stay safe; by the way Carrol's Clinic Day was good and She is still off the Chemo Her Numbers are holding pretty steady and for that We are so thankfull.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.