Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Marilyn set to fly home tomorrow

Dear Family and Friends,
After confronting a very busy Friday at the airport for flights heading to the east coast Marilyn decided to try flights tomorrow. Since she is flying on a pink pass on Southwest she has to find flights with open seats. It looks good for a flight leaving Oakland at 11:45 tomorrow. How different it will be around here without her smiling face and cheery disposition. She has been a great help in the process of moving forward to a more normal approach to life for me. I think she has had a great time too enjoying her friends and family in Sacramento, spending time down at Jason and Jo's and time with Nikki and Steve. She has helped with the little ones, purchased groceries, helped with the birthday party, sorted things, cleaned Nan's desk and read about a thousand books I think. She has supervised getting the DVR and cable repaired, made great friends with Lois and Ray, enjoyed catching up with Ken and LeAnn and the sunsets over the lake. Now she returns to the east where her family waits, a little 8 year old boy needs his Grammy.
Tomorrow after I drop Marilyn off I head into a full day of fixing prior appraisals, reinspecting properties, traveling to Rohnert Park for a new one and then hopefully getting home to see Keanna at tumbling and then on to the grief group. We'll see how the day goes, towns to visit include Hayward, El Cerritos, Rohnert Park and Martinez. It will be nice to use the bug with its renewed AC. Today brought checks in the mail and credit cards payments as well. Marilyn went with me to inspect a fine home in Brentwood today, a large two story home which is only 4 years old and is bank owned. Now selling for just $400K. When will this terrible market turn around? For many of us the turn cannot come soon enough.
This evening Marilyn took Lois and me to the Boardwalk and as we ate the darkness fell upon us. The food was good and the weather was perfect.
This morning was another of those special times, Keanna snuggled under her pink blanket not wanting to get up at all, Kallie catching a few more winks before the day started and then the mad rush to get the car loaded, the girls secured inside and the trip to school to be the gate closing. We made it with minutes to spare and off she trudged with back pack in hand, poorly fixed hair flying for her day at school. How proud I am of these little people.
I love all the emails that have been coming this way with funny tidbits about life. They make me chuckle.
Today I was able to cover the van payment, cover a couple other bills and sort of catch up a bit. Not as much as I need to but making progress.
Good night my friends and family, looking forward to seeing many of you soon.




Anonymous said...

Good bye to my friend, Marilyn. So nice you could help out in so many ways. Have a safe trip home.
Love, Barb

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim & Goodbye Marilyn,

We enjoyed Our Annaversary Time with You & Marilyn so much, Olive Garden too was a Treat. Hope Your trip home is a quick & safe one.

We will be going up to Reno for a couple of Days to Visit Our Friends the Andersons. We will leave Sat about 1:00 and go up via route 88 to Minden then 395 to South Virginia Ave where they reside. We will be returning on Tuesday Morning with a stop for $5.00 Buffet Lunch at Jackson.

Today We with all Americans recall the Events of 9-11, What a Day that was! We were in Canada on Prince Edward Island and were locked in there for the next 5 days We waited for the boarders to be opened. Truly a "Time To Remember".

Have a Safe & Productive Day,

Love to You Both,

Bob & Carrol.