Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kallie comes to visit, Starr guards!

Dear Family and Friends,

10:05, long day with no naps. With Ken out of town and no kido duty this morning I dragged myself out of bed and into the worn tennis shoes. I did my 3 mile circuit and then left for Roseville. It was a great house, huge lot, lots of upgrades and a beautiful home. After I finished I called Barb and Gerry to hook up for lunch but only got a message so hit Taco Bell and left town in a hurry. Back to the office for some work and to set up more orders, then picked up Kallie at 3:05 as her sitters were on their way to the doctors. I brought her home and took her out of her carrier and just sat and held her for a long time, she was enjoying watching the dogs and the dogs were both very excited to have her here. Finally I tried to feed her the bottle but she said no way, too cold, it took a while to get it warm enough and I placed her in a little reclining bed thing with lots of hanging toys to enjoy. She loved it and then I tried the bottle yet one more time and this time she decided to get it a try so I bent over for awhile holding it and she drank it almost dry. Then Nikki came with miss Keanna and took Kallie away. I did some more setting up orders, conditions and managed to totally forget to call the IRS, not good.

I went to grief group but our leader was climbing Mt Whitney so the group drifted a bit. They are great people but it goes better with a leader. A couple of the group are going in for surgery soon, others are just struggling with issues, some are better and had good news to report. I talked about the trip to Texas and getting to care for the girls.

Now I'm back home for a brief rest and then I head to San Jose in the morning after the kidos, then to Pittsburg, then Concord and finally home later in the afternoon. By tomorrow night I'll be ready to crash. My board is full of work seen, to see, to fix, to check out. Overnight I'm busy, how long it will last I don't know but I plan to do my best to care for my precious clients now that I have their trust.

Life is more pleasant with the cleaning and arranging changes the ladies made. The fish tank really needs attention but perhaps over the weekend that will be possible. We'll see.

Friends that need special prayer that I know of are Pam Whitted, Keith Tall, Gerry Lammerding and I'm sure there are plenty of others I'm not aware of.

Prayer and how it works or does not work, well its a mystery, but I'm sure not ready to quit praying. I end up talking to God about nearly everything, somethings I would not mention to any living soul and I know God is in charge when I ask Him to be.

I wish I could get all the things done in a day like Sylvia, her schedule is amazing and she seems to thrive on it, I'd croak from stress I think.

Tonight I'm very thankful for orders, checks, health, autumn weather, friends and precious family.




Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
It looks like all in all you've had a pretty good week ~ lots of work, checks coming in, clean house, spending time with family, getting the yard cleaned up, still managing to walk some and you made a beautiful loaf of bread! Now how's that for having a good week?

We are almost full this week end. Last week end was a bust! We are having a slow month, but it isn't too bad. There was no gas to be found in our county last week end. Some stations are beginning to reopen the last couple of days. Until the refineries are up and running again gas will be scarce. All our fuel is piped up here and the pipe is not flowing due to the power outages in Houston. When we do find it most of the stations are asking $4.19 a gal. I did see $3.89 today however.

Finish off your great week with worship of your God, rest and joy in your life.

Love ya' ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Just wrapped up a very busy Day. Got Carrol's Clarinet back from the Music Shop, Yearly Tune Up & Service, Picked up Carrol's new Glasses, Had a great Lunch at the Center, Spent an Hour and a half with the "Nerds On Call" cleaning up Our Computer,$99.00, much better & faster now, Just finished a good Choir Practice session getting Christmas Music ready. Now it's time to crash,read E-Mail etc.

Our Yard Man has the Yard looking so nice now and the weather is so cool & refreshing. We are ready for a nice fall season. Hardly seem possible that the Holidays are only 90 days away.

We have Friends coming next weekend and Carrol's Sister will be here too, Card Games & Pop Corn coming up for sure.

If You would like to try a "Mens Chorus" come on over to the E.Oaks Church Sabbath afternoon at 5:00 We could use a Tenor or two. You are most welcome to join Us.

Have a good sabbath day and remember We Love You,

Bob & Carrol.