Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 4, 9 months since Nan fell asleep in Jesus.

I'm just back from the Thursday evening grief group. Tonight was a bit different. Our guy who just three weeks ago was in very serious condition in the hospital was there with his quick wit, freshly showered and fully engaged in the discussions. No one was was reporting life threatening issues tonight, instead there was general positive comments and some down right funny moments. Someone brought excellent brownies and the discussion ran overtime. It was a great evening.
Just before the group I drove in to watch Keanna at tumbling class and to see Kallie and Nikki. Before I left Marilyn produced some really great haystacks, excellent eating, a real feast. Lois was able to join us and it was fun to take minute out to just relax and enjoy good food.
The day started with the traditional walk, then shower, the breakfast of oats, thin slice of my bread, banana. Lunch was a griller with mushrooms built in, a new product. This morning a phone call yielded two appraisal orders and this afternoon at 3 found me measuring a local home and then doing an appraisal of an empty lot. Payment was up front with a credit card, a very nice blessing for the day. Also a check arrived in the mail for appraisal work done quite awhile ago. Checks are a blessing and a great help in paying for health care, car payments, life insurance and other business expenses.
This afternoon I was busy writing up the appraisal from Marysville and the broker called who had ordered the appraisal. In the course of the conversation he casually dropped the comment, oh the Marysville one cancelled. I was shocked, I've drive there, inspected the house and now I'm told its cancelled. Then the magic words, but I've asked the homeowner to mail a check for the appraisal. That was very good news! Sometimes I am amazed at the people I work with. Mostly I'm grateful for their orders but sometimes I'm just amazed at their behavior.
At this time of the year I begin to look longing toward a cooler time when we won't need AC all the time and the nights will cool down quicker and fall with be with us. Keanna was explaining to me today that fall was when the leaves start to turn yellow. I'm looking forward to that time as well.
Today marked the 9Th month since Nan's passing. It has been an amazing journey, a time of discovery, heart break, defeat and ultimately recover for our family. We miss this amazing woman of courage, of spunk, of joy and will never never forget her legacy.
So my friends and family, yet another chapter is opened in this thing we call life. I am expected great things, I believe in people, opportunity and God's amazing grace. When you let yourself be with Him you are never really alone again.
love to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
It sounds like yesterday was a bit of an emotional day for you. You had some good times, yet remembering Nan on the 9th month anniversary of her death. The incoming checks brought some welcomed peace of mind. then home to a prepared meal.

Tim I do hope you have all that "drinking" under control. "Drinking plenty" is not necessarily a good thing! Hmmm ~ Just what are you drinking?

Our daughter, Linda, and family are here until next Friday. It's good to have family here! We feel so far away at times. Andrew and Grandpa are having a good time fishing, riding the go-cart. Next week we go panning for rubies and emeralds. That should be fun. Andrew is really into "rocks" now.

All is quiet here. No hurricanes in our area. (We could use some of the rain, though) Guests are all settled in for the week end. Chris still doing a great job. Fall decorations are all up now. I don't recall decorating for fall in CA. It's a really big thing here. Fall decorations go up in September and come down after Thanksgiving in time for Christmas decorations. When we take them all down everything looks so bare!

Have a blessed week end ~

We love you ~ Carol