Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A day of production!

Dear Family and Friends,
Today 5 reports have been emailed to lenders. And even more exciting is the possibility of being able to do a number of appraisals for the city of Stockton as about seven million dollars is going to be spent to purchase as many bank owned properties as possible. I'll find out more on Thursday when I meet with the team in Stockton. It would be wonderful to be able to work with a team that is really involved in helping turn this real estate mess around for the people.

Ken and I walked this morning and then after showering and breakfast I began working. I determined to get at least 4 reports out today. When Jean was available to help I scanned and emailed over two files. In her usual steady fashion she completed both and emailed them back this evening. Now lenders have 5 reports, all in all a good days work.

This evening Nikki broke up the boredom and we had dinner with the girls. Kallie is starting to make many more different sounds, giggle and smile enough. We had a nice evening and now I'm back and ready to go to bed. In the morning I will wake the girls and take them to school and the sitters as Steve is helping his brother in Felton this evening and tomorrow morning. After I deliver the girls it is back here to the office to produce even more appraisals and catch up on the other side of the business, keeping current with lenders and web sites that create orders.

It is so pleasant to move about in the kitchen with everything in its place, lunch today was a breeze, everything I needed to make a healthy lunch was ready and the resulting lunch was perfect.

I discovered to my joy this morning that the weight has moved from 234.5 down to 229.5 in the past week. That was great news.

May your evening and tomorrow be pleasant, healthy and productive and may joy seep through the cracks of life when you least expect it.



1 comment:

Deborah W said...

Hi Tim, my fingers are crossed for the appraisals to come through from Stockton - wouldn't that be wonderful?? Good things are on the way....! Deborah