Saturday, November 8, 2008

Need more sleep

Dear Family and Friends,

Ever fall asleep in the garage with the engine still running? Probably not. As I pulled into the garage this afternoon in the van I remember putting it in park and then several minutes later I woke to find the engine still running and my neck hurting. Perhaps I had a couple more bread sticks than were prudent at Olive Garden.

Keanna woke this morning at 7 and was ready to eat. She ate everything I fixed and could probably have eaten more, plus she was playing a card game, producing a drawing, spelling with plastic letters on the compactor and reving up for the day.

Sabbath School today was really great, an experience not to be missed. Miss Keanna took her new "build a bear" bunny which she earned by her bravery as the surgeon took out the pins in her arm. Keanna was at her best, taking part in everything, singing, reciting and being a good kid. Kim ran a great program with a lot of energy, the room was filled with energetic kids and it was a special time.

I discovered I had once again left my phone home so was out of contact with Nikki who was driving in later to join us for lunch. It all worked out perfectly and Kallie was in rare form charming not only those of us at the table but also people at other tables nearby. Food the was great, Bob had his trusty coupons and we enjoyed a great time with friends. On the way home I noticed that I was a bit sleepy but was shocked to discover just how sleepy.

This evening I have reconciled the business checking account to the penny! yea, that does not always happen and sorted through a huge pile of papers, mostly duplicates of bills that these foolish people think I can pay, why don't they send them to someone who wants them. I prefer no more bills. How bout you?

This evening I decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich. The whole wheat buns I was planning to use had begun to grow lovely green mold. So I reached for my trusty loaf of homemade wheat bread, cut very slim slices and made the sandwich with that. It turned out perfect and tasted great. That along with some vegetarian soup was just the right thing for a cool winter evening. Now its time to shut down the place. I was pleased with one development. The newest PG&E bill showed up online and when I checked it out this months bill is $128. Now for some of you that must seem awful but compared to the $600 bills from the summer months I'm pretty thrilled. And I'm not through saving energy yet. The little backup frig has already been defrosted and turned off and the freezer will be next. I'm guessing that the freezer which is over 20 years old probably uses $20 a month in energy and I've not opened the door in weeks. Time to move forward and reduce spending even more. Why waste money on things that give no return.

This week will mark the beginning of getting the van in safe shape to sell. It needs a few basic things and I've ask Bob to assist as he knows all the right people who work cheap but do good things. Also the motorhome has a recall now. Seems the frig may burn through a gas line and then burn the whole thing down. So I suppose that needs some priority as well.

I'm so glad you are my friend, my family member. I've come to treasure my friends and family. Today I got to see a very special person for just a few moments, Tom Miller. Tom is one of those people that has his feet on the ground, is as solid and honest as is humanly possible and a very good friend to have. He and Sharon were very helpful in caring for our kids when they were young. We've been so blessed to have lived in Tracy at the time when our little ones were growing up, excellent support people everywhere of all ages.

So good night my friends and family, life is what it is but we can still have meaningful moments in spite of tough times. Oh and by the way a check finally came in the mail today, one for a duplex I saw several weeks ago. How nice to see money actually come in the mail again!

Love to all,


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