Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Linens and things

Dear Family and Friends,
10:10 the end of a very good day. Ken and I walked at 6 this morning in the dark and cold. We were both glad when we got back to warmer houses. I showered and headed to Stockton for a meeting for the upcoming project where Stockton will spend about 12 million dollars buying foreclosed homes. After that brief meeting I head back but had to buy fuel. The diesel was $2.53 a gallon, a far cry from the $5.00 plus of a few months ago. One good thing to come out all this economic mess we are in.
I was only back a few minutes when Sylvia arrived to help with gathering the linens into one place, sorting them and making some sense out of them all. Neither of us had bargained on just how many blankets, pillow cases, towels and sheets there are in this house. Sylvia just kept
finding more and more. she spent the day sorting, folding and moving many items to the sacks for Tracy Interfaith Ministries where they can help those in need immediately. Sort of makes good sense to have them in use vs in my shelves. Sylvia seems to have unbounded energy and her help has been a huge boost to my hopes for finding a less complicated life with systems and places for everything. This evening we went to watch her son Michael as he coached a women's varsity basketball team play in Brentwood. Oh the energy the young people have and what fun to watch they play together as a team.
While Sylvia worked today I forced myself to get a really challenging appraisal done for a little house in Stockton. Finally it was emailed out and I just pray it is right.
Keanna came this afternoon from school and infused this place with her energy. She is amazing, I know all grandparents talk like that and they are all right, little ones are amazing and so full of life and games. I always feel like I should thank Steve and Nikki for sharing their little ones with me. What a kick they are.
Jason and Jo should be back home this evening from their LA trip. I think they had a good time and I'm sure they learned lots of things from the meetings they faithfully attended!!
I am so grateful for life and for its opportunities. While there is never a day that passes without thinking of Nan often, of how she is missing watching the three little ones growing up, of how much fun it was to live with her and share her joy, at the same time I know she is asleep in Jesus now and I am awake in Jesus. To find all the meaning in life I have to allow Him to guide, instruct and temper my emotions. I want to go on His errands, share His goodness and share the blessings He has granted me with others. Every once in a while life seems pretty good now.



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