Thursday, November 20, 2008

Powering through each day

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm fresh home from the grief group and I've got to share with you, there is nothing like a good group of hurting but caring people. Emotions move from tears to belly laughs, anger to compassion. You end up being excited by every person that walks into the room for you then you get to hear how they are doing and what is happening in their lives. Its true the special bonds do not come over night, they come from weeks of invested time and attention to each other. It is a huge blessing to be able to be a part of the group.
While I was in group tonight I made an internal decision. Everything I am looking forward to is being put on hold by this 75 lbs of weight I am carrying around with me everywhere. I can't even lift 75 lbs any more but I have to do it every minute of the day and night. With the help of dear friends I am eating pretty close to right, walking the three miles nearly every morning, drinking more and more fluids yet the weight hangs at around 230. I'm tired of it and I think it is time to invest in myself. I know that post being obese I will still face the normal issues of life but at that point I will be off most of the obtrusive and expensive meds, can fit in normal clothes, can work all day without getting tired out, can enjoy the lifestyle I dream of now, water skiing, snow skiing, running, biking, I can move beyond the point where the first thing people see when they meet me is the tummy, I will feel better, sleep better, move easier, have less pains and aches. It just has to happen. So I am going to join the health club which offers all avenues of exercise including playing racquet ball, fitness machines, pools etc and I'm also going to join weight watchers. Enough hoping and praying and being frustrated. I need help and who better to help me than myself. I am encouraged by my friend Glen Conner who joined weight watchers and has lost many many pounds.
This has been a great day. Ken and I walked this morning, then it was off to a Brentwood appointment which is just 9 miles away, then to Bethel Island to shoot photos of a bare piece of land for a proposed new home, then back to the office to work for awhile. Then at 3 there was another appraisal in Brentwood which paid up front, yea! When I got home the mail had arrived and included a check for an appraisal I did about 6 weeks ago. Nice!!
The work Jim did on my computer is really paying off. The computer does its work much faster now which helps me do my work quicker too. It was a bit shocking this morning to be typing and suddenly a message appeared on the screen saying the computer was now remote controlled. Jim had taken over and needed to fix a couple things. As I sat and watched the mouse moved rapidly over the screen and the repairs were completed and then control was returned to me. What a day we live in.
Now it is time for bed. Pills are taken, dogs are sleeping at my feet and the chill of the night is settling over everything around me. Its quiet and only the gentle hum of the hard drives waft through the air. Yes its been a good day!
Recently I read these words, "It never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of things." Also these compelling words, Happiness and Love are just a choice away. I do choose happiness and love is all around.
Until tomorrow


1 comment:

Deborah W said...

What a great, uplifting post! I enjoyed it very much. Very compelling words at the end, too. I was asked last week why I always seem so happy. I said, "I choose to be happy." I had heard those words and decided to try to live by them. Yes, it's a great philosophy. Good luck with the gym and WW; my friend did WW and had great success. I know you will, too. Happy weekend!