Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kidos come to call

Dear Family and Friends,
This evening has been really special. Kallie and Keanna came to visit. Kallie has just left now with her mom who has been at a scrap booking event she attends once a month locally. Keanna is fast asleep and will rise at 7 or so in the morning so we can attend Sabbath School. This evening Kallie played for awhile, then took her bottle fast and then after a quick diaper change went to bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Keanna ate a huge amount of pasta and green beans along with rice milk. It was so fun as we read a Clifford, the big Red Dog book. This time she could read most of the words and we really read it together. Every time she is here she knows so much more. She spent many minutes spelling words with plastic magnetic letters on the compactor. Lois was here briefly and they spelled words together.
Recently the RO water purifier just stopped flowing and this evening I ran out of bottled water. The water from the tap is not fit to drink here, turns fences brown if the sprinkler happens to spray water on them, one can only imagine what ones insides would look like if you drank the water. Nikki had brought me a Brita water purifier pitcher several months ago but only tonight did I really need it. I located it in the garage, put it together and made several gallons of filtered water using it. When you are in a corner you tend to improvise. Feels good.
While I had every intention to purchase walking shoes today the three appraisals, traffic and time constraints conspired to keep me from the stores. Another day!
This morning since Ken was in a meeting and could not walk I decided to take the dogs to the park. They were very excited and enjoyed every minute of the walk. It was a nice change. I took my blood pressure this morning when I got up and found it to be 124 / 74 which does not seem too bad with pulse at 61. I've really felt tired today for some reason.
Out of the blue I'm being called several times a day begging me to come to some time share resort in Florida for 10 days. It just makes me laugh. If they knew my current financial situation they would take a big red pen and cross my name off their list once and forever. We find humor is the most strange things these days.
Well I'm not heading to bed. Its been a very long day and the joy of this evening with the kidos makes it all worth it. I even got to talk to Jason and Jo today as well and am planning to get down to see them and enjoy Timothy soon. He is growing so fast and talking up a storm now.
I'm thankful this week is over, it has had so many extremes, very low and incredible highs, just trust me, not all can be explained but there is very strong evidence that we do not struggle through life alone and I am humbled by the events of this week.
Special prayers for Irene, Clayton and Jo. Clayton lost his father this week and although they were not together all the time Clayton would often go and spend several weeks with his dad during the summer. This was Jo's stepfather too. Irene found out this week that Nexavar had allowed tumor growth so another drug is being considered. She is strong in her faith but very disappointed in this setback. Oh that GIST could be controlled and destroyed.
Sending love to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
Your blog format is a bit different today. I'm glad I figured out that you have to scroll down to leave a comment now...

What a special end to an "up and down" week for you. Nothing like grand kids to bring joy into your life! And if they love you and want to spend time with you it even makes it more special.

The fall leaves are still beautiful and we are promised another sunny day. A beautiful day for a week end in the mountains. However, we have 9 empty cottages this week end. We had a little drizzle last night, but only "dust dimples". I heard on the radio yesterday that this is the worst drought in history in this area. I believe it!

We leave Monday on our cruise. At least that is the plan. There is a category 3 hurricane brewing in the Caribbean at the moment. Will it be out of there by Monday? Will the ports be destroyed? Will it be incredibly rough? I'm sure they will not sail if it is unsafe ~ or I hope they won't! November is terribly late for hurricane season.

Roger's choir is on tour today. I was going, but we had an incident here in one of the cottages last night and I don't want to leave the property until I am sure they are gone!

I hope you can squeeze in some shopping sometime soon. Those thin souls on your shoes will not hold out much longer. I'm surprised Nan didn't have a couple extra pair stashed away somewhere for you. Perhaps you have gone through your stash by now. Your shoes have picked up a lot of miles lately.

Have a blessed Sabbath.

We love you ~ Carol