Thursday, February 18, 2010

At the doctor's office

Well since Kaiser turned me down flat I decided I better get reconnected with the medical system I do enjoy. At 7:30 this morning Dr. Edwards saw me in his office. My weight was down a bit and we went over the drugs I am currently taking. We agreed that I need new blood work so we can see where I stand with the A1C and other factors. He is urging me to take careful measurement of my blood sugar and blood pressure so we can build a reasonable plan. To help with the current illness he gave me samples of an antibiotic I've taken last October. I was pleased with the visit and felt I got back on track again. He found it hard to believe that my health insurance has risen to nearly $1,200 a month. Of course at the moment Blue Cross is backing down from the rate increase for at least a couple months.
After leaving his office I drove to Stockton and in the dense fog did an appraisal. Then I drove to Dixon to see a second property. Once I was completed there I was more than hungry so the GPS located an IHOP and lunch was great.
Upon arriving home I went to work as best I could but the coughing was pretty intense and the resulting headache was miserable. So much so that I missed little Keanna's gymnastics tonight. This evening I've just forced myself to settle down and have just finished the Stockton report I saw this morning. Now its bed time and I'm really ready.
Tomorrow its Stockton again and then Brentwood. Right now I'm enjoying getting orders just out of the blue from people I've never met. They feel like gifts from God each time they happen.
Take care and get ready for the rain.

Its good of you to keep reading. When I write I feel like I'm in a room with a bunch of you just talking, its nice.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tim,
Sorry to read that you are not feeling well again. Do you take Vitamin D? More and more tests results are showing that a vitamin D defiency is causing not only more colds and flu but an increase of problems with hypertension, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, and depression just to name a few. Just adding a minimum of 2000IU a day on your own can help to build up your immune system but if the doctor orders a blood test for it and finds out that you are below norm he may suggest up to 50000IU a week for a brief period of time.

Just a suggestion for possibly getting healthier and staying that way.

Thank you for your blog. It is the first thing I look at when I get on-line. I have laughed with you & cried with you & prayed for you since the summer of 2006. I am a GISTer and I knew of Nan through GSI and have followed the blog from day one when you started after her surgery in Boston. I also emailed with Irene for a few years before I finally got a chance to meet her 1 1/2 yrs ago on a trip to California, though I had met her husband Ron through work before I retired. I admired both Nan & Irene for how strong their faith was despite what they went through with their GIST. I just wanted to let you know this and about the vitamin D.
Praying you get better soon.