Thursday, February 11, 2010

One Great Day

Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening I am happy to report that I've had a day in which I felt alive, positive and hopeful. Physically I've not felt this good for a long time. I've got to wonder if dumping the two meds Coreg CR and Actos have enabled me to feel better.
It was mid morning when I realized that I was just feeling good, really good. I skipped a walk this morning, slept in until I woke at 7:30 when the dogs pushed me out of bed and then had a small breakfast of cereal and milk, an orange and my few meds. I then drank a huge glass of water, I mean 64 ounces with a little lemon in it. I worked at my desk for a while, took in two more orders, did research and then prepared to leave for the field.
I asked Lois if she would help me get Nan's old computer going again. We cleared away some things from her desk and started the computer. It moved so slowly at first and a few minutes ago I looked at her outlook express only to discover her last emails in the spring of 97. That was a sobering moment. Lois defragged the computer and did other things to get it moving better. I just did a which tends to clear up the registry. And now I'm writing the blog on it tonight, fun stuff.
You see I want to be able to download books from the library system and to do so the computer needs to have ITunes. For some reason ITunes will not download into my work computer no matter how many times I've tried. To we are going to set this one up to do just that, download books and burn them onto CDs or put them into a IPOD if I ever can afford to buy one. Lois is going to let me borrow hers tomorrow as I have a full day in the field to cope with a books help pass the time.
About noon I left the office for Antioch, Brentwood and saw two properties, reinspected a house that had some problems, went shopping at FoodMax and even self checked myself out. That was a new experience. Did you know every orange has a code on a tiny tag? Well I do now.
When I got home I discovered that a check had arrived from a new management company called Property Sciences. Not only that but about the same time I was opening the check they called to issue a new order for Stockton, I like that, it bodes well for the future.
This evening I asked Lois to go with me to see our little grandchildren at the gymnastics program. She has little Sophie and I of course have Keanna. Kallie was there too so I got to hold her for nearly the whole time which was a blast. She is a delight. Then we went to Staples for a new toner cartridge and then had dinner at UNO's. What a feast, the food was great.
Now I'm home and winding it up for the day. The fact that there was glorious sunshine this afternoon certainly lifted the spirits, the check in the mail, getting Nan's computer working again, lots of things transpired to help this be an up day. I am thankful.
During the middle of the day Timothy called. He is feeling much better than yesterday when he was running a fever all day. It was good to hear his little voice and that of his fathers too.
So good night one and all,


1 comment:

Deborah W said...

A great, uplifting post! Hope today is as good.
