Saturday, February 27, 2010

An enjoyable Sabbath

Dear Family and Friends,
Its 10 pm, I'm home and savoring the day. When I arrived this morning to pick up Keanna I walked in to see 2 beaming little girls sitting at the breakfast table eating and smiling. Kallie says papa, papa and hands me a piece of partially consumed toast. Keanna is ready to go and has on a matching dress to the dress on her American Girl. So we went to Sabbath School. She had a great time with Sylvia and the boys while she was there. I went to the Financial Peace University Class and continued to learn things, valuable lessons. After Sabbath School we went to McDonalds for Keanna to have a snack and for me to have a mocha so I could wake up. Keanna is a very bright little girl and we had conversations all the way in and then all the way back home about many things. She asked why people describe their children in months and then switch to years. So we figured out how many months she is old, then she posed the question, how many months I was old and we determined that I must be about 800 months old. She thought that was funny. We always discuss Grammy in some manner and she talks about things she remembers and we end the conversation on a positive note about how much her Grammy loved her. Keanna loves to be reminded about how much she is loved. But really don't we all, when people listen to us, pay attention to us, find something to praise us for, well it makes a huge difference in how we see ourselves. I want to commend the whole crew at Sabbath School for the positive Jesus centered program they offer. It is just great and I appreciate what they do for Keanna.
After I delivered Keanna I joined some friends for lunch. It was a happy time with beautiful food and settings. We ate, laughed, shared and it just felt good to be a part of something so special and positive.
Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to a concert at UOP, its choral and I am a total sucker for choral music having sung much of it over the years. And it is just $5.00. Should be great.
I hope each of you found this to be a positive day with love, touching, caring and attentive listening. People reaching people, its the best thing about life.



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