Monday, February 15, 2010

Bouncing back

Dear Family and Friends,
This day started pretty rough. Ken coaxed me out into the elements this morning and I felt pretty awful. I remembered a past time when I felt poorly and took the walk and then felt better. This time when we got back I felt pretty rough. A nice long hot shower helped and some oatmeal and an orange started me in the right direction. I did the nasal washing procedure several times during the day, discovered Sudafed and took some pain meds to try to break the fever. As I tried to work I mainly just napped in my chair and accomplished very little. I did fill a 32 ounce glass with hot water and put one of those little packages of lemonade in. That felt like good medicine as it went down.
This afternoon I decided that I was doing well enough to drive to Manteca, about a 30 minute trip, and inspect a new home located in a subdivision. It is over 2,800 sq.ft. and single story. What a nice place and all for just $414,000. What a deal! And like Nikki said, you get to live in Manteca. The sales office guy could not have been more helpful and his assistance was in sharp contrast to the way we've been treated at sales offices in the past. He was a great help. He says they are selling about 3 houses a month and are pleased with that pace!
By the time I headed home I was feeling much better, oh yes I still have to keep the Kleenex box near but I felt more like a human being again. The sun was warm and inviting and the drive was pleasant. Once I got home I felt so positive that I decided to change clothes and go to the club to work out. That was a good experience too and now I'm home, blood pumping and doing better. What I missed this evening was a tenor in concert in Stockton but I was concerned this morning that I might just be sneezing and a nuisance to others. How I hated missing the performance.
So I hope to wake feeling well in the morning and then wade into a very deep stack of appraisals to get written and delivered. Plus due to my extreme genius I will have to return to Pacifica to shoot 5 photos. The camera I use saves the photos on a small chip and even though it holds thousands of pictures there is a point where it becomes full. I did not catch the warning the camera was trying to give me when I was shooting so lost those photos. So I think a trip back to lovely Pacifica is in order sometime soon.
In spite of setbacks life is pretty good, the sun sure helps and I got to hear from Nikki and Jason today. Those calls are so precious, my kids do a great job of staying connected and I appreciate them very much.
Good night all,



1 comment:

Deborah W said...

Hi Tim, glad you are feeling better, and that you had a good Valentine's Day with the little girls. Hope your improvement continues; seeing the sun more often as we are these days should help!
