Sunday, February 14, 2010


Good evening,
This will be brief. I woke this morning to a sore throat and stuffy head. Both symptoms have continued unabated during the day in spite of various things I taken from the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. I've spend much of the day napping in my work chair. Mid day I went to Tracy and was honored to be able to do an appraisal of the Skau's home. I've been visiting that home for the past 30 years or more. What an inspiration they have been during the years with their godly lifestyle and consistent loving friendships. Dan passed a Young's concordance onto me this afternoon and I will treasure it a lot.
On my way home I did a driveby review in Mountain House and was amazed once again at the huge number of homes where values have dropped to less than 50% of 3 years ago.
This evening found me over at the kids and we exchanged valentines and happy wishes. The girls are amazing to this Papa, they play, laugh, climb, hug and are so exciting. I'm so thankful that at this time in their lives I get to have them so near. It is a wonderful blessing and I'm very grateful.
Now its off to bed to try to let sleep do what being up has not done today, make me well.



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