Sunday, August 31, 2008
Finally a cool one
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Overwhelmed by mercy
Last evening I conveyed how I was feeling, pretty low and uncertain about how to cover a looming house payment. Doubt and discouragement seemed to engulf me and my faith was pretty weak. I continued talking with the Lord about it as I fell into my normal deep slumber. I woke this morning looking forward to a brisk walk but without a lot of hope still. I knew the day would have some bright spots but I had no idea of what was to come. I picked up Keanna in the bug and we drove to Sabbath School. We had hardly arrived before we got into a little power struggle and Keanna was unhappy with me, I too was very unhappy as getting to bring Keanna to Sabbath School is one of life's nicest joys and here I was managing to mess it up. It was then that Bob Miller, church treasurer, caught my attention at the door and I went out to speak with him. To my surprise he handed me an envelope. At the moment I did not realize what a huge blessing it contained. I had no idea until much later that it contained God's answer to my house payment. I just want to say how grateful I am for the help that someone extended and it turned my weekend around. For awhile I was in shock, disbelief and then it gradually dawned on me, God had provided just the help that was needed at just the right hour. I am humbled, gratified and bowled over and so thankful this evening for everything that happened. Thank you Lord, thank you for the extreme generosity. When I realized what was happening my first thought was gratefulness, the next a driving desire to do everything I could to ward off getting into such a frightful place again. Tomorrow the stair chair gets listed for sale and soon after the boat goes up for sale too. This generous reprieve deserves my best responses.
But this very lifting bright spot was not to be the only bright spot, blessing today for during the worship hour Kevin Ahn provided special music and it was just that, very special. This young man is very talented and today he shared his talents with the whole church family. It was great music carefully performed with wonderful effects.
Then Sylvia and Lillian shared pictures and thoughts about their time in Chile and their sermon provided yet another spiritual high for the day. These ladies can preach!
After the worship service was over Keanna and I met up with Steve and Nikki and smiling baby Kallie. We enjoyed our pasta, salad and great family conversation. Yet another very bright spot in the day for all of us. Later as I drove home Lois called to let me know how angry she was with me, why? because when I was down emotionally last night I had not called her to talk. The funny thing is several times I felt led to call her but each time I talked myself out of it thinking that it was too late in the evening, I saw no lights on at her house. She let me know that next time I was to call. Do you know what a blessing it is to be situated between two great neighbors. LeAnn and Ken watch over me with diet tips, walking motivation and constant friendship, Ray and Lois do the same. Can I be excused for thinking that God had a hand in placing me where I live knowing how much I would appreciate and benefit from such good people.
This afternoon I was enjoying the Donna and Shawn Want memorial christian dish and a praise team was introduced at some church, I did not catch the location. I was spellbound. Sometimes worship leading by a musical group of people is fairly uninspiring. This group, band was outstanding, interesting and their inspiring music was perfectly performed, the group was balanced, the sound was clean, harmonies were practiced and well blended. I was just glued to the screen, turned up the sound and just worshipped with them. Another very bright spot on this Sabbath day.
Bob, the church treasurer had suggested that the envelope would help me enjoy the whole weekend. The relief it carried has done just that.
A new thought has been introduced by the events of the day, let me try it on you and see what you think. For three or more years I dedicated myself along with Nan to caring for her and attempting to save her life. We endeavered to discover some joy in every day as we went along. I had a clear cut purpose for living, to be Nan's rock, thats how she put it. As you know I've been wrestling with finding the drive deep within me to even try to dump the weight, to find a zest for living again. Here's my new thought, still forming. OK, I lived and breathed caring for Nan day and night and I did well with it, we all know that. Maybe its time for me to take on a new project, to try to save Tim's life now, to enhance it, care for it, restore it. I know if Nan were here she would endorse that new direction. Do you think its possible to redirect thinking, energies, drive?
To say I'm grateful this evening is understatement, I'm thrilled and excited about facing the next day. Thank you for your help, for God's blessing.
love to all,
Friday, August 29, 2008
What can I say.
Finally this horrid week is over, oh yes there have been bright spots, holding Kallie and catching her smile, observing Keanna doing tumbling, being spotted and then getting kisses blown my way, having lunch with Nikki, talking to Art and Jerry on the phone, riding in Lois and Rays convertible. But the week was hot outside and emotionally draining on the inside. Day after day with bills from doctors, hospitals, labs but no income checks. Waiting for the Lord to help with the house payment, turning over every possible way to raise funds and sitting here tonight with $200 toward a $2,200 house payment. One wonders was is the use of going through the motions only to be owed the money it seems indefinitely. Promises, next Tuesday, soon, any day now. It troubles me that a issue as unimportant as money should bring me to my wits end, am I really this shallow? Its just money. Will this market ever turn around? Will there be a day when the orders are more than I can handle and Steve and I will have to hire help? In 2003 we did just under 3,000 reports for the year, this year I've logged in 212 so far. Its no wonder that funds are so tight, there are not many funds to be had.
This evening I felt the walls just pressing in, here is a holiday and I've got no plans, minimal work to complete and just about no one to talk to anymore. So I drove over to the Boardwalk, a local eating place next to the marina. I asked for a table outside by the water and the evening was cool with a breeze. I discovered to my delight that the new owners are people Nan and I knew and who owned a place in Brentwood several years ago. We ate there often and enjoyed getting to know the husband and wife team. So this evening first the wife came by and talked for a bit and then the husband came by as well. Since Brentwood they have owned a place in Alaska, Vegas and Manteca. They are doing a great job here locally and the place was jammed with patrons. In the conversation she mentioned that they had Gardenburgers. They did a great job of preparing one for me and with a house salad I ate very well.
Last weekend was so special, on Sabbath I woke to spend the day with Timothy, Keanna, Kallie, Marilyn, Sylvia, Jason and Jo and Nikki. Talk about a great time, a time of warm family connections. I know those can't happen all the time and tomorrow I'll get to take Keanna to Sabbath School, then have lunch with Nikki and the girls in Tracy. That will help a lot with the blues.
Art was a really good friend tonight and reminded me of some decent things I've done in my lifetime, especially my care for Nan. I had almost forgotten that in that portion of our life I did well. I'll always remember Steve Ahn's kind words, they made a huge impression on me. But in all fairness I've got to say when you are there in the situation you don't really consider doing anything but helping in every way you can, why would you leave, run, hide when someone who has committed her life to you and your well being is in trouble. It never crossed my mind to not help. It is a tribute to the power of Nan's love, she just knew I would do, we would do everything we could to save her life, to ease her pain, to calm her fears and together we did. Now my life seems so worthless, I just wander around aimlessly without a cause. She was worth fighting for.
Sometimes I share these things I am going through even though it would be much easier to just quit blogging and cut off any contact but I do share them in the hope that my honesty might help someone else come to grips with their feelings too. Might provide a reality check that not all is well with those we meet, that they might be in the inner struggle of their life and we need to be aware of that.
I'm saddened that at the moment I don't even care about losing weight, its seems like such an impossible dream, I read the Life Raft (GIST) daily Internet reporting and learn of people who are winning, others who are searching for the next treatment, others who are wrestling with growing tumors and diminishing hopes and it all comes back, the struggle to find a cure, a respite, a break and then defeat. Where God is in all of this I'm not sure. When things go well people claim God helped, when they go bad people of faith say God knows best. How this all works I don't have a clue.
Yet today when I arrived home from a 300 mile trip to Marysville to see a house I thanked God for a safe and comfortable trip, for a chance to make $450 and then I opened the mailbox to find another day without money, I know God knows about the house payment, never missed one before in my life so how does this all work out? What do I say when there is no money for the house payment? Or is God not into such things? The constant phone calls for bills, the lack of phone calls with orders, its all so different. So depressing....
I'm glad its Sabbath, for a few hours I'll attempt to leave the financial worries to fend for themselves and just rest in His love. Ken has already called to confirm our little health walk at 6:30 in the morning. Its about the only really right thing I do these days and I'm not willing to let it slide.
Good night my friends and family,
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A busy day, more tragedy on our block
As I write this evening less than a block away a husband and wife are quickly adjusting to terrible news. This week the wife fell and when they took x rays they discovered she has stage 4 cancer in several places. She and her husband who was to have knee replacement or hip replacement tomorrow are having a very tough time coping with the terrible news. Patty, who lost her husband a year ago, and I will do what we can if they allow us to assist. Neither of us are blown away by such news as we've had to face and cope with it extensively, we can help if we are allowed. Our hearts just go out to them tonight. She starts chemo tomorrow.
This morning Nikki did a run through of where Keanna gets dropped off for school. I was prepared and went on to Oakley for an inspection, then came home and wrote the report, emailed it out and picked up the check this evening for the fee. That will help with the house payment. I have been busy writing on another appraisal as well and tomorrow I head out to Marysville for that FHA reverse mortgage inspection. Today's mail was a bust, nothing but bills, yuck.
It was about 106 today but by seeing the house early this morning the heat had no effect on me. My AC systems worked perfectly only coming on when they were needed to hold things down to 80. This evening after picking up the check in Oakley I decided on some salad and a personal deep dish pizza from UNO's in Antioch. I like the one that has tomato, feta cheese, broccoli and spinach. I'd like to think its sort of good for me.
Jason called this evening from Placerville where he and Josh had driven to buy ice. He is with the senior class, about 60 kids, doing a survival camp at Leoni Meadows. He was in good spirits and is enjoying himself. He said be brought lots of creature comforts along. He has done this trip many years and has learned the tricks of survival. He mentioned that Timothy had a 102 fever last night and is getting lots of teeth all at once, ouch!
Well I'm heading to bed now. God is in control!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hanging on to hope
7:40 and I'm writing early this evening. For those of you who live in other parts of the country today was a more typical summer day for California, over 100 degrees, little wind and it felt hot.
Ken and I walked at 6:30 before the heat could find us and solved the few remaining problems of the world and discussed the extreme complexities of the other gender, mainly women. While there is much to take note of about that other gender there remains much that is not understood! To say the least. My world is less complex as Marilyn has taken the van and gone to Sacramento to see family, friends and others! The house seems strangely quiet, not that Marilyn ever makes noise, she does not other than turn pages in whatever book she happens to be reading at the moment and to tell Lady to stop scratching. Yet being alone is a different experience, not bad, just different. The ACs are cranking to keep things down to 80 and I've just finished setting up an order that just came in through email. It is a rush FHA, pays up front COD and is located nearby in Oakley. That means $400 toward a house payment! Unfortunately the mail person brought only medical bills, no checks today. I worked in the office this morning, then drove to Livermore to do a FHA purchase of a very nice little townhome in a new complex. When I say nice I mean top drawer everything, high ceilings, travertine floors along with wool Berber carpeting, wood cased windows, granite and stainless steel kitchen, solid wood doors inside and out, sunken spotlights, fireplace / gas furnace that turns on with a switch, solid wood around the fireplace, high quality bathroom fixtures. This little dream was to sell for $669,000 and then the market fell. It is now in contract for just $445,000 and the builder is delighted to have a buyer. How times have changed and there are NO signs of a turnaround yet. Were it not for FHA financing nothing would be happening right now. Thank God that I happened to become FHA approved 12 years ago, it helps now. After completing that appraisal I was very hungry so I located a Subway and had the Gardenburger on wheat 6 inch. Nice meal and I think reasonable for health. Then home to pick up the motorhome and drive it to Brentwood to visit a a smog shop. Of course the fee is higher for a motorhome, $99 plus certificate. I begged and he dropped it $10. Then I endured a very hot motorhome which had to be running with the engine cover open while the test progressed. It passed and by 5 pm I was on my way home. By the time I reached home the new order had come in so I've set that up, have an appointment for tomorrow, have it fully researched.
Now I'm slowing down, my eyes are very tired and dry, I feel worn out. When I am facing high financial stakes it effects me with a limited depression that seems to hit inside my chest. I am still functioning fine but have little desire to accomplish anything. It takes some effort to move forward with doing what needs to be done. The long term effects of never knowing where the next dollar is coming from, from daily calls from lenders, from opening mail that cannot have an immediate response money wise, the long term effects are pretty challenging to deal with. I'm urged by friends to hold on and allow God to lend His helping hand, I'm definitely doing that but I've got to say never knowing what is going to happen next gets real old. I feel like my word, my promises to these lenders means little. So far no lender has been denied payment but often the payment has to be delayed or is made the last minute instead of up front like it should be. I'm not really feeling like a victim or anything like that, this is my reality right now and I'm in it and intend to keep at it until things get better.
Some things just have to be put off, like shots for the dogs, new walking shoes, joining the gym, all of these are things my first impression is to just go do but then I hesitate and realize that I could wait a bit, they are not vitally important right now. House payment is vital, health care is vital, car payment is vital, PG&E fairly important too.
I think that is why special events like last evening with Bob and Carrol, the excellent dinner, the good conversation, the fun night out, special events become even more special and memorable. The same for opportunities to see, to hold the little kidos, very special, precious times. I feel a special sense of importance because with Nan's loss I get to hold them for us both, to do a little more since its just me now. Hope I am making sense. At times I wrestle with holding onto my sanity, with keeping the flame of hope alive in my heart.
So tomorrow I'll work nearby and then on Friday I'll drive to Marysville to do that appraisal. And I'm thankful for every job that comes along.
I hope your week is going well. Roger and Carol are having much needed rain in N. Carolina, two blessed days of it and they are very glad. May they have more!
So good night my friends, my family, I love you all
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just back from Jackson
We are just back from Jackson where we had a wonderful time, a great meal courtesy of Bob and Carrol and enjoyed celebrating their 52Nd anniversary. Bob drove us up in their Odyssey and made the trip a joy, smooth driving, knows all the back roads. We ate at a place that is the steak house connected with the Indian Casino located just above Jackson. It is a beautiful place with top notch facilities and I feel in love with their RV parking, holds a 100 units, has hookups, grassy lawns at each site, showers, pool and clubhouse. Very impressive.
Earlier today Marilyn helped Nikki with Kallie who is transitioning from being with mom all the time to next week when she will be with a sitter and Steve on different days of the week. Once again Marilyn came through being her helpful self. I worked the best I could but really had sort of a bum day. I woke to discover that the business account was slightly overdrawn, just too many automatic charges arrived at the same time. I waited for hours for the mail to come in hopes that a check would be there but when that did not materialize I broke down and took some money out of the little savings and deposited it to cover things. When I got home I discovered a new order in the computer complete with an AMEX number for payment. So the day was not a total loss financially after all. I know of several appraisals that are to be paid any day and when they do they the house payment can be made. Living this close to the financial edge can get to one from time to time. Sylvia had written a tremendously helpful email this morning which was excellent and a lift at the same time.
The cardiologist's office called to let me know that the blood work results are not yet back so that appointment was put off a week, yea! I was able to get a local appraisal updated and completed today and out just before we had to leave for Lodi this afternoon.
Jason called this evening to let me know he and Jo are the proud owners of new phones. You just would not believe how old their existing phones were, it was really time. Perhaps I can find a car charger for the phone he now has which would be a big help to him. As Jason described his phone he said it has no features, no camera, no blue tooth, nothing while Jo's has more features. He wanted it that way, just a phone.
Ken called from the Giants ballpark to suggest we walk at 6:30 in the morning. He is going to have a short night tonight between getting home and then up early to walk. What a guy!
It was a very welcome break to be included in Bob and Carrol's celebration this evening. The food was very very good and the service was perfect. You might ask, what does a vege eat at a steak house? Sides, blessed sides. Perfectly baked potato, huge sprig of broccoli and a small bowl of baked mac and cheese. So I moved the mac and cheese to the top of the potato and vege, excellent meal. Then we had some fruit, raspberries to be more specific, oh and with a bit of cheese cake which was perfect. What a feast we had, its fun to be on this diet!
So friends and family, good night to each of you.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Good news for Irene
Irene called this evening and shared what is happening right now in her life. A week ago she was waiting for a clinical trial to slowly decide if she would be given Nexavar and this evening she has her first bottle of Nexavar in hand. In the past week she has consulted with a GIST specialist in Portland, Dr. Heinrick and is working with an oncologist at Kaiser who sensing that time is very important when tumors are on the move helped her get the Nexavar off label immediately. She is also considering a brief round of radiation to see if some relief is possible from the tumor generated pain. Once again she had to make decisions with nearly everyone in the medical community having a slightly different take on things. Some wanted her to wait for 4 weeks after the radiation before starting the Nexavar while others thought she could do both at the same time. Irene has felt led to begin both as soon as possible. Her faith is strong, her spirits are good and she is looking forward to doing what is possible to slow or reduce the tumor threat. Another very meaningful thing is Kaiser is paying for the Nexavar even though its use is off label. That is very big news and encouraging for others to follow. Blue Cross will not pay for any off label use of a medicine leaving it for the patient to find the funds to cover the $5,000 + a month. So Irene is feeling the blessings of God this evening.
Meanwhile I've worked close to home today, clearing out appraisals that need to be completed, doing conditions and fixing things in reports. I started off the day by discovering that the report I wrote on Thursday was wiped out by the one I wrote on Friday and since I had to fix a couple things in the Thursday report I had to reenter it word by word today and recreate it in the computer. While not fun it is done now, accidents do happen and I caused this one. Its been two days without money which is sort of hard to take but two orders did come in today which was very good news.
Marilyn twisted my arm and persuaded me to add a DVR to the cable TV system. So we went to town today and picked it up, picked up meds at Longs and then a few groceries. Even though we went to the cheap store it seems they sure cost a lot.
This evening Lois and Ray invited us to join them for dinner at a little to go place in Brentwood. My little burrito with rice and beans was very good. Then when we came home they invited us to the back deck for coffee and cake. We ended up enjoying the cool breezes off the lake and joking around with them. We got to ride in their vintage BMW convertible, talk about a bad hair day! The whole evening was fun and a nice change from sitting at the computer all day.
Now its bed time. Ken, drill sergeant, says we walk at 6:30 in the morning so the alarm comes early.
I am hourly deciding to live with hope in spite of some pretty hefty financial challenges ahead. Why not move forward and try, rather than give up and wilt under the pressure.
I am so thankful to have spent the weekend with the family. How I enjoy my kids and their kids. It is like a huge present everytime I get to see them, a spot of joy and peace, a reality check on life as to whats really important, not stuff, not power and success, its people caring about people. I also discovered more about Sylvia, her gentle voice, her endless patience shown as she was teaching a little one to use chop sticks, her gentle touch when holding the babies. God has gifted her with some very special abilities which she shares easily and naturally. She was a wonderful addition to the weekend.
Soon Marilyn is going to head to Sacramento to see her mother in law who has suffered an injury, to see her sister and her friends. Tomorrow we drive to Bob and Carrol's house, join them as we all drive up to the foothills for dinner, to celebrate their 52 wedding anniversary. What fun, what a blessing that Carrol is experiencing respite from the big C. We will enjoy our evening.
So my friends, fellow GISTers, family, life moves forward and gradually picks up steam.
Sending love to all,
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Home again after a delightful time with Timothy & parents of course
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Sabbath to remember
This has been one of those rare days a pappa can only dream about. After a short night in the motorhome with a couple interruptions I rose this morning to take the walk with the dogs and then shower. Jason and Jo provided an excellent breakfast and then we were off to Sabbath School. Timothy attends an excellent Sabbath School with lots of activities, music, stuffed animals and love. Its a great program produced by an excellent team.
At around 1 pm both Sylvia and Nikki arrived. We had a great lunch and after a while we migrated to the beach where everyone had a great time. Even the sun peeked through for awhile. To see Keanna doing a dive into the sand and Kallie digging her little feet into the sand, to see Timothy roaming around working with his beach toys.
Finally the cool air got to us all and we headed back up the hill to the house where we talked, looked at travel photos and watched the kids play even more. Now Marilyn and I are in the motorhome, I am blogging and she is reading. The TV is playing a Reese Whitherspoon movie and the dogs are resting after a big day for them.
Jason is so excited about his new career teaching English and already has stories of his young people. He loves helping kids get ready for life and Jo loves working with her little people as well. The weather has been pretty good today, cool, foggy and limited sunshine. In spite of a world where things for the most part are challenging a weekend like this is a great chance to recharge emotional and spiritual batteries. Its just fun to see the whole family together under one roof, if only Steve could have been here then we would have been complete.
I'll have some photos tomorrow night, can't download them tonight.
Lets remember to keep Irene in our thoughts and prayers as she faces some tough decisions right away. She is very precious to me and I know many of you know her as well. Oh that this horrible disease would just be beaten.
Good night to each and all,
Friday, August 22, 2008
At Jason and Jo's home
We are finally here at MBA. We've enjoyed the trip down very much and it was nice as the temperature cooled. We finally got away after 4 pm. I was preparing my first REO appraisal and every step required a bit of a learning curve. Finally it all came together and the report was ready. Even sending it required learning something new. I had to log in to the special web site, Appraisal Port and download the report PDF through their page. I'll find out on Monday if it worked but for now I think its done.
It is amazing how long it takes to load everything we need in the motorhome. It takes a list to get everything on board. There is something about driving down to MBA that is so special. First off it only takes about two hours so the fuel used is reasonable, secondly as one nears the ocean fog often is high overhead offering a cooling break from the summer heat of the valley, thirdly family lives here, Jason, Jo and Timothy and that of course is the most special thing of all.
As we turned from Highway 101 onto 129 the fog loomed ahead and the AC suddenly seemed too cold, the dogs shivered and Marilyn noticed that the heat was no longer beating in the side window. By the time we reached Watsonville the temperature was down to the 60s. Our trip was uneventful other than the fan in the dash of the motorhome failed for a few miles. Then suddenly it was working again. We were glad it continued to work the remainder of the trip.
We are looking forward to tomorrow, Timothy at Sabbath School, worship service in the big church and lunch afterwards. Sylvia is driving down tomorrow afternoon to enjoy some time with Timothy and our family. Nikki and the girls are considering coming as well. What great fun.
Starr and Lady have been so excited ever since the motorhome stopped in the driveway and when I allowed them to go to the coach this afternoon they were delighted. Starr never settled down the entire trip but Lady just slept at Marilyn's feet. Now they are making it obvious that they think its time to go to bed. Marilyn gets the bedroom while I get the front pullout bed and the dogs, does this sound fair, big bed should get the dogs but Marilyn is having none of it. So it will be me and the dogs and the breathing machine.
This week has proved to be very interesting with some work coming in, some travel accomplished and some funds in the mail box. We've enjoyed spending time with Lois, last night I got to hold Kallie and see Keanna in action for a few minutes, I've switched the business line to Vonage having become very tired of AT&T not keeping their word. the week has been like that, ups and downs, good and bad.
To me the most difficult moment was hearing from Irene that her GIST tumor has grown a lot in the last two months. I know exactly the thoughts and concerns that go through ones mind when faced with run away tumors. I just keep praying that God will be very active in her body and that the radiation will give her the relief she needs right now.
And so life goes, challenges, moments of joy, moments of meaning and a lot of just plain hard work. At this moment I'm thankful that The Sabbath has arrived and all the cares of this life can be left behind for a bit.
Love to all,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Irene needs our prayers!
As I write this evening the network is not working on my desktop computer so I'm on the little laptop writing these words.
Lois came over today and gave each of the dogs a bath so they could go on the trip clean and pure. Thank you Lois for your loving concern for Starr and Lady. They both look so cute tonight.
I had an appraisal appointment this afternoon in Oakland. What a beautiful home and a very sweet lady. Thats the fun side of this business, meeting the great people and seeing all the good things they have done to their homes. The traffic really moved well coming home until I hit Pittsburg where everything came to a standstill, it took nearly another hour to get to Brentwood where I caught up with Kallie, Nikki and Keanna at tumbling. They are so precious.
Then I remembered I was supposed to pick up a cancer patient who lives in Discovery Bay but enjoys coming to the grief recovery group. So I headed to Discovery Bay, picked Bob up and drove back to the group meeting place. The room was filled with people, the largest gathering yet for the group. It was a very moving evening with many people sharing, learning and offering support to others in the group.
When I got home Lois called to tell me the internet was not working. There is something wrong with the 10/100 switch which feeds the network to the various computers around the house. While I've faced this before I am never sure what I did last time to fix it.
This morning when we drove to the motorhome to bring it home the batteries were totally dead. We ended up jumping the generator, got it running and then that provided enough power to start the engine of the motorhome. Now its in the driveway with a cord charging the batteries. Its been a couple months since I used the coach and somehow the batteries were depleted.
In the morning I'll write a couple reports, then we'll load up the motorhome and head down in the afternoon to MBA and cooler weather. The dogs know something is up and are very excited already. Actually so am I.
This morning i received a very touching email from Irene. Her latest scan revealed that a tumor has grown a lot since June. The tumor is causing her great pain and suffering and a decision has been made to use radiation to try to reduce its size. I know from experience that radiation can help a GIST tumor as it caused one of Nan's tumors to be reduced by half and gave her a lot of relief from pain. Irene needs our prayers now as she faces this new challenge in her life. GIST is a horrible enemy but God is still in control.
How we need each other in this old world.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Working for a change, feels good
Its been a long day and rewarding too. Ken and I walked this morning, at this point I've put in 13, 354 steps today and I feel every one of them. Blood sugar numbers were normal, blood pressure was normal. Sylvia's pedometer certainly gives one something to work with, thanks!
Comcast techs came this morning and rewired a bit in at attempt to give us more reliable service. So far so good today. Marilyn and Nikki had lunch with the girls and did some shopping. I hit the road at about noon, caught a burrito from Taco Bell in Stockton and then drove to Eldorado Hills which is on 50 toward Placerville. A key had been hidden and a check left for me. The home was beautiful and well maintained, comps were nearby. Then I headed down the hill to Stockton but encountered a bit of traffic which caused me to arrive late to the Stockton appointment. I enjoyed seeing the home, shot the comps and then called Marilyn to see if she wanted to go to Brentwood with me to pick up my meds and to find food. When I got home Lois was visiting so we all went to Subway for sandwiches and I picked up my stack of meds at Longs, my co pay was just $80 this evening. Now I'm about to fall asleep. Its been a long day, the car has 550 miles so far on this tank of fuel.
I have a question for my loyal and brilliant readers. How does one get a pit out of a Nectarine without destroying the fruit in the process? Are there any special secrets? I just love the taste and texture but I'm a mess by the time I get the pit out.
Enough funds have come in so I can pay part of the house payment tomorrow. This is good news in a month that has seen $1,100 in car repairs, data charges, E&O renewal, motorhome license renewal, plus awhole lot of smaller bills for garbage, phones, cable and Internet, you know the numbers. I am so thankful as I sit here tonight, thankful that God has been very active in His help with some orders, some checks, some survival.
Tomorrow afternoon I go to Oakland to see a property, in the morning I will sit and write up reports.
Marilyn and I are still enjoying tomatoes and peaches from Joyce and Glen's garden and yard. So good, totally beyond anything one can buy in the stores. And of course I am still enjoying eating the bread I bake, Its pretty much what I eat bread wise now.
Life continues to get better, more hopeful and positive. 60 is OK so far. Just have a very hard time believing it is true.
Jerry, my brother, told me it was not so bad and he has certainly demonstrated that retiring and being older can still not keep you from enjoying life. I think he and Donna are busier than ever before and hes lost weight, is busy in his garden, walks miles every day and I'm so proud to call him my brother.
My sister Sibyl is home from the hospital and is doing better too, is now able to get up on her feet a bit and is in such positive spirits.
love to all
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A whole lot of driving today
We are back finally from a trip to Windsor that lasted much longer than we expected. I walked solo this morning and then worked in the office completing reports and taking care of business. At about 1:45 we Marilyn decided to join me for the trip to Windsor to conduct a driveby appraisal of a property that is about to be foreclosed. The traffic was very bad as we neared Santa Rosa and we finally came on the culprit, a brand new Toyota Prius stopped dead in the fast lane with a frantic man inside. We left him to enjoy the joys of high mileage and drove on only to discover that the GPS took us to the wrong town so after doing a bit of back tracking we finally arrived at the house, shot it and the comps and then headed home again. While we expected bad traffic near Santa Rosa non materialized and our trip home was uneventful. I managed to forget to pick up my meds at Longs in Brentwood so tonight and tomorrow morning I am out of fish oil.
Tomorrow I drive to Eldorado Hills for a 2 pm appointment and then back to Stockton for a 4:30 appointment. I am thankful for the work and for the checks that arrived in today's mail. They will go a ways toward the house payment.
Home, a place like none other, how good it was to turn the corner and see home in the distance, yes the lawn needs mowing and the trim desperately need paint but its home and two very anxious little dogs were at the door to greet us.
Marilyn and I have talked a lot about our lives today, she and Walter and me and Nan. Both of us have experienced lots of ups and downs, of hard times, of terrible mistakes made but we have also the salve of knowing we had something rare, the love of precious people, Walt and Nan.
Just living is a huge challenge, and living well is an even larger adventure. Are you enjoying your lives? Ever wonder what comes next? I sure do.
Sending huge arm fulls of love to each and every one of you.
Monday, August 18, 2008
IRS talks go well
I'm so glad I know you and have you in my life. It helps to fill my life with more meaning and purpose.
Today some orders came in, take a peek at where they are located. El Dorado Hills above Sacramento, Windsor above Santa Rosa, Oakland, Stockton, Pittsburg. And all in a rush of course. Am I complaining, forgive me, no I'm not complaining, this is how my God is working, I see Him urging people to order from Discovery Appraisal and wondering why as they are doing it, as I look forward I see a busy company again and the chance to work myself out of debt and into a savings account, getting ahead enough so I too can go on a mission trip and help people. I see myself as a slim 60 year old in good health reaching out to assist people, doing good work and enjoying success. After all I'm a child of the King and I think the King would like his children to do well and do their best.
This evening Marilyn and I headed out to Tracy after the phones stopped for the day and used one of the gift cards that were shared by kind people for the recent birthday. The food was perfect, the salad fresh and tasty.
This morning the Comcast cable guy came and looked over our systems. His conclusion is that the copper cable I installed 20 years ago cannot handle the newer digital signals so we need some new cables run. He was a real gentleman and Starr loved him after trying to eat him at the front door. On Wednesday he will come back and run the cable which should solve a year old problem of losing some of the lower and most used channels, 2 through 7.
Marilyn was kind enough to watch for the postman today because I expected two checks in the mail. Sure enough when he arrived Marilyn spotted him, alerted me, the money was there, I made a deposit and got ahead of the checks and charges that were coming in.
This afternoon I finally screwed up enough courage to dial IRS and after about 30 minutes a very helpful lady talked with me. She extended the date when we need to work out an agreement for 30 days which should allow for Ken to file the 2007 year, for me to find $2,000 to cover 941 payments that are due and then to work out an agreement for what I owe in total. It was a very worthwhile exchange and with total kindness and courtesy.
There are so many reasons to be grateful and thankful in both my business life and personal life.
Gradually life is starting to resemble some order and reason again. Nan was such a powerful and talented woman who carried more than her share of duties in our life together. With her at rest I am learning to handle some of the many things she did so well. In general I think she would be pleased with my progress. Yet she would certainly have advice and counsel for me. God gifted me with her for so many wonderful and exciting years and I just am totally thrilled that I was the one that got to enjoy living with her.
For those of you who have lost a spouse you will know personally what I mean when I say, living without them is not something one could ever expect or prepare for. Its like having a beautiful vase, having it smashed and then trying to pick up the pieces and go on. It is happening but it is not easy or pleasant.
So I thank God for Marilyn being here, she is so easy to talk to and very helpful with practical things, the family loves her and I know she enjoys being here on vacation but misses her special family very much too. Once again I am on the receiving end of an act of love, of kindness and I'm not worthy but I'm thankful just the same.
love to all,
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Marilyn returns, a new week begins
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Exciting 24 hours
Friday, August 15, 2008
This has been a hot week
When Jason told me this morning that their highest temperature for the past two weeks was around 70 I could not believe it. He said they have not seen the sun, constant fog. Meanwhile we bake here in the valley, I mean really bake. Just getting in and out of the car several times while I did errands, bought cat food, Frontline plus, a few groceries, well it was hot every time. Fortunately since the bug was repaired the AC works wonderfully, the car runs cool and the AC blows like Alaska.
This evening as I write Keanna is sleeping in her room upstairs. Nikki brought her by around 6 and then went to her scrapbooking session. Keanna and I had a good time watching her movies, eating the pasta I prepared and entertaining Lois who came over to see her. Lois was so kind and brought her bubble solution and a cute little container holding M&Ms.
I did not walk this morning. Instead I decided it was time to settle down and get my part of the tax data completed and to Ken. I finished up around noon but Ken could not work on the taxes today. I logged orders, emailed some work out, worked more on getting E&O insurance renewed for a decent price. We are now up to over $800 for the policy for a year.
My kitties had run out of food and were starting to complain so I headed out to get new food. The kind I usually buy was not available at the Pet Food Express where prices are lower. She told me that Ecanumba is no longer made by the same company and recommended I switch to a different brand. She gave me a two week supply to see if the kitties would like it and had me go to another store to buy a small amount of the prior food so the switch would not be so drastic. I also returned two cable boxes that I have never used in the entire year I've had them. I also spoke to the Comcast rep about getting my service to work better. Interestingly enough when I got home my cable had been shut off completely. When I called it became obvious that the person at the desk did something wrong, in a few minutes my 100 channels were back on again.
I also went by the Union Cemetery District where Nan was laid to rest. Nikki has expressed concern that I would let time pass and not secure the grave site adjacent to Nan. I've been reluctant to try since the cost is over $2,000. The lady was so nice today and allowed me to place a hold on the adjacent grave site for the next 90 days and they will call if anyone attempts to purchase that site and give the family first rights to purchase. That was such a relief to not have to come up with the money right now when things are growing increasingly tight.
I spent some time this afternoon in the kitchen, made a new loaf of bread which turned out great, unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it, deposited the check that came in today's mail and purchased a new tank of diesel so I'm good for the next week or more of travel.
I won't be able to take Keanna to Sabbath School tomorrow since she has the opportunity to travel with her family to Fresno for a birthday party for one of their friends. They try to go every year and always have a great time.
I'm considering driving down to Jason and Jo's place to spend some quality time with Mr Timothy. Its been too long since I've seen him. I could use a dose of 70 degree weather too for a change.
For all those people who brought food last Sunday I again want to say thank you. I've been eating very well from the frig, the nectarines, the peaches, the tomatoes, the chips, the veges, the fruit plates, the pies. Add that to the left overs Mary sent on Wednesday night and there has been very little reason to buy groceries. Thanks to all of you.
This being 60 is OK so far. Now if I could be 60 and 150 lbs then it would be really OK. The weight is a ongoing challenge which I've not really faced yet. I'm considering weight watchers as it has been recommended by many people I deeply respect.
It was a emotional moment at the graveside today. With all my heart I do not believe that Nan should be there, she should be on the phone to her family and friends, watching TV with Marilyn, planning a trip, spoiling the grandchildren. It is awful having her gone and no it does not get easier when you really stop to think about it. What gets easier is that you don't think about it so much or as deeply. No one can remain in a crisis forever. Not humanly possible. I miss her, I treasure her words, her ideals, her taste, her class.
There seems so much I have to leave with God and simply trust that He knows best.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Good grief
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thankful for a busy day
9:10 and I'm finally home from a whirlwind day of actual appraisal work. Ken and I walked this morning and we checked the pedometer and found the 3 mile walk yields about 6,600 steps. Right now I'm at 12,501 for the entire day, not bad for a 60 year old guy who is 75 lbs over weight. Thank you Sylvia for this most intriguing device. I actually think I might be on the right path now for a lot of things. Oh the challenges are higher than ever financially. Thousands owed to the IRS and State, more thousands to credit cards, car payments late but there is hope all around.
Hope came in the form of actual appraisal work today. I left here around 9:15 and inspected a home that has sold right here on the lake, then to the golf course to inspect for a lender, to let them know that the house will probably be OK for FHA loan purposes in the near future, then a quick drive to Dublin where the home selling was outstanding, beautiful, updated, furnished perfectly, staged in such a way that the pictures are beautiful. Then after locating the comps I had lunch at Applebees and their side salad was huge. Then on to Martinez to find a house located on such a steep downslope I actually was afraid to may my way down to the tiny lawn in the back as it was three stories lower and I feared falling. I didn't fall though and was able to complete the appraisal. Then I found myself two hours early for the final inspection in El Cerritos so I drove there slowly, found a shade tree and with the breezes from the nearby bay took a much needed nap. Then I woke to shoot the comps photos and finally inspect the little home when the owner got home. Finally at 6:45 I was able to head home and with minimal traffic the trip was pretty easy. I had hoped to forward appraisal work to Jean for her assistance but its too late to do so tonight. Always tomorrow!
How different today was from recent days where nothing work wise was coming in. A new order came in today through a new service I have signed up for, Appraisal Port. Of course the work is in Windsor, above Santa Rosa but it is a job and I can use the new information I gained at the seminar I attended last week. I am thankful for a safe day, for the newly repaired bug which performed perfectly and cooled like a frig all day. This evening I had left overs which were kindly sent home from Mary's last night. they were just as good tonight as last night. Marilyn and I are both in awe of Mary's cooking.
Now its time to cash it in for the day.
Sending love to all and how I appreciated seeing so many friends on Sunday. I just keep thinking about it with a smile. How blessed I am.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A day that ended with games
Well this evening we are just back from dinner and Mexican domino's at Mary and Hilario house. We had a lovely dinner with Mary's version of cottage cheese loaf and it was absolutely wonderful. Then they cleared the table and brought out the domino's. Neither Marilyn or I are very good at games but we ended up having a tremendous time, so fun and we all took turns winning.
The day has been one of work and new orders. Today 4 orders came wafting in, great news in light of the one single order I had before. All are going to be COD and all are FHA orders too. Perhaps I can do some catch up money wise now and get the car payments taken care of. Honda was not that impressed with my responses today when they called to demand a payment. I simply told them I can't promise something I do not have but they are next on the list. Its as good as I can do.
We were able to share some of the wonderful fruit with our neighbor Patty who lost her husband a year ago with cancer and is caring full time for 5 grandchildren ranging in age from about 9 to 16. She has her hands full and is doing an excellent job with the kids. They happen to love tomatoes and Joyce brought some beautiful ones, more than I could eat fast enough so we shared a bit and they were thrilled. We also shared a couple Nectarines that George and Yvonne brought. Talk about good fruit, the peaches from Joyce's tree and the Nectarines are outstanding, I can hardly stop eating them and my blood sugar is loving the fruit, its been normal all day today, yea!
I've had such pleasant memories, flashbacks really from Sunday, of special moments with friends and family and of the time I got to spend with Steve on the golf course too. What a very special birthday this turned out to be. I've not been at peace like I am now for several months.
Marilyn treated herself to a new camera today, its pink, does amazing things and was reasonable in price.
Well its time to head to bed, Ken says we walk in the morning at 7. The pedometer Sylvia supplied is pretty amazing. By the time we completed our walk this morning I had already logged over 3,000 steps and now it reads, 10,891. For those of you who might be wondering what this is about. Current thinking for an active lifestyle of one who wants to lose weight is to take 10,000 steps per day. So on that front I'm OK. But I've not started to journal every bite I take yet and I know I need to. That is another part of moving into a new life style. Of course these delicious muffins from CostCo are not really the best basis for a diet either but as we share them with Lois and Ray they are being enjoyed very much.
Tomorrow I see properties in Discovery Bay, Dublin, Martinez and El Cerritos and then drive home. It will be a great day.
Good night my friends,
love to all
Monday, August 11, 2008
Life moves on
This has been a sleepy day with its high point, lunch with Nikki and Kallie. I've cleaned up my desk a bit, did some value checks for possible appraisals, made a deposit, walked 3 miles with Ken, had dinner tonight with Lois and Ray and Marilyn in Brentwood at a Mexican food place and then we went in search of pet stores where I can take Starr and Lady to get them back into a program of flea control and also a heart worm exam and meds. I am aware that I'll have to spend some money but I want to take proper care of my little girls, my buddies. Nan always took care of Frontline and heart worm meds and everything. I don't even know where the records are for the doggies. Marilyn is researching places, times and best prices for the testing and supplies.
I'm about to try the spa again, so nice to have it working and functioning again. I'm still in just a bit of afterglow from getting to see so many friends yesterday. It was so special and heart warming and I just keep thinking of my blessings, wonderful family every one of them, loving and helpful friends, just such a huge blessings and thoughtful and helpful neighbors. I certainly receive more than I give and I thank God for everyone of you.
I received an order today and have it scheduled for Wed. evening. Its a COD which is another blessing and a check did come in the mail today which helps to keep the account in the black for a change.
So good night dear friends and family members, you are a great inspiration to me.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Celebrating 60 with family and friends!












Ken and I walked this morning and my being sore really caught up with me. Then the kids called and invited us to breakfast at the Byron Inn. That was a great meal, thanks kids! It was perfect. Then we made a trip to town for last minute supplies which Marilyn so kindly took care of while I caught a nap in the car. This this afternoon it was party time.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Today has held many enjoyable moments! I walked this morning after a 105 blood sugar reading, a good number. Then I quickly got ready and Marilyn and I picked up Keanna, drove to Sabbath School with an on time arrival. Kim did a great program and then we took Keanna to play for a bit before meeting Nikki, Steve and Kallie, Bob and Carrol at the Olive Garden. Bob, who is always faithful to his word, had brought coupons worth $4 off for each ticket. We all enjoyed conversation, took turns admiring the baby and rejoiced in Carrol's good health. It was a great pre birthday celebration. Then Steve surprised me with a round of golf at Bethel Island, we were the only ones there practically and we found a brisk breeze, pretty surroundings and many excuses for not hitting the ball like we intended. I fully enjoyed just having the time with Steve who works so hard at several different professions just to keep his family supported. He is really an amazing guy and totally shocked me with the whole idea. Much later I came home very sore, stiff and very happy and relaxed. Thanks Steve for your very special birthday gift.
When I got home I made some toast from my new loaf of bread and then Lois came over to invite us over for some cake and to meet their friends. We sat on the back deck in the cool evening breezes with the torches burning enjoying a very relaxing time with genuine people. How can you beat that and great cake too.
Now we are winding down. Ken and I will walk tomorrow early and then I'll take care of a few things around the house getting ready for our friends and neighbors in the late afternoon. This getting older might not be so tough if it means getting to spend time with such great friends and relatives. This evening Dana called from Houston to bring me up to speed on lots of things but to also mention she and Ron came home from their special gambling get away spot called Chishada (spelling probably totally wrong), they came home with $1800 in winnings. Wow, I am impressed.
What a blessed day, not one I could have planned ahead of time and one that had so much joy and peace in it.
love to all,
Friday, August 8, 2008
A blessed week
How are you doing tonight? Its 5:40 and I'm getting started on the blog early. I got the nicest and very funny card from Marilyn Bitzer today, it got us both laughing as we read. Thanks Marilyn for all you have done to help. So far today I've got the spa clean and I think I have it heating now, hope so. I've done the lawn, the edging and pretty soon will cut back some of the plants that grow too large in the front yard. Marilyn took me to lunch at our local place and we both enjoyed good salads, nice sandwiches and watching the boats come and go. I went out to water the tomato plants today and discovered I had two baskets full, what a nice shock.
This week has brought positive things and troubling ones as well. Its so nice to see Keanna enjoying her school experience and she has turned out to be a very bright little person. Of course Kallie brings joy with her smile and baby movements. She is a kick and Jason and Jo have reported Timothy is doing great in his walker and getting very close to walking as well. He crawls very fast and loves it. In a couple weeks I hope to be able to visit for a weekend and see him in action up close and personal.
Marilyn is enjoying her stay, she loves to read and relax but you've better not mess with her around 2 pm when General Hospital is on and of course Comcast cable often fails to deliver a decent signal on the big TV on channel 7, (they say its the wiring, right) so she has to scramble to located a TV which gets the channel during that time. We've been thinking about what drinks to have available on Sunday for the get together, I know I've heard of fresh corn coming, potato salad, watermelon and we've purchased Boca burgers and real burgers and Ray is going to turn them into magic on the BBQ. Joyce Conner just emailed to offer tempting fresh tomatoes and peaches, oh yes! I baked a new loaf of bread today but I'm pretty sure that would not go very far in feeding the 5,000. Sure made the house smell good for awhile though.
I will write more later and then launch the blog.
Well now is later, 9:38. Marilyn and I took a check to a drop box for the garage pickup, either a check or no garbage pickup, then we stopped by Chili's for dinner. Now home for an early turn in time tonight. Up early to walk and then pick up Keanna for Sabbath School, do a little thing at church, then meet up with Bob and Carrol at Olive Garden. It will be fun to see them and find out how they are doing.
This evening I am thankful for many things and still seeking God's answers for many more. While this present life presents many challenges one by one they are being met and survived. It will be quite different to be 60 years old. I tend not to have a lot of deep thoughts period but to consider how many years I have been privileged to live, to have lived some many of them with wonderful people and especially Nan, well there is certainly much to be grateful for. Now as to the future I have few expectations. I've discovered from the grief group that others feel the same way, they don't expect too much good to happen in the future, I think that goes with the memory of the recent pain and loss which tends to overshadow future expectations. I do know this, I love to see my kids succeed, live well, care for each other, I love to observe and help with the little ones. Its a rare opportunity to see life in its infancy again through the little ones, pure, uncomplicated, honest and full of energy and hope.
Oh God make of me what you want in your timing and for your purposes and for your glory.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Really nice to get to live in America



