Monday, August 11, 2008

Life moves on

Good evening friends and family,
This has been a sleepy day with its high point, lunch with Nikki and Kallie. I've cleaned up my desk a bit, did some value checks for possible appraisals, made a deposit, walked 3 miles with Ken, had dinner tonight with Lois and Ray and Marilyn in Brentwood at a Mexican food place and then we went in search of pet stores where I can take Starr and Lady to get them back into a program of flea control and also a heart worm exam and meds. I am aware that I'll have to spend some money but I want to take proper care of my little girls, my buddies. Nan always took care of Frontline and heart worm meds and everything. I don't even know where the records are for the doggies. Marilyn is researching places, times and best prices for the testing and supplies.
I'm about to try the spa again, so nice to have it working and functioning again. I'm still in just a bit of afterglow from getting to see so many friends yesterday. It was so special and heart warming and I just keep thinking of my blessings, wonderful family every one of them, loving and helpful friends, just such a huge blessings and thoughtful and helpful neighbors. I certainly receive more than I give and I thank God for everyone of you.
I received an order today and have it scheduled for Wed. evening. Its a COD which is another blessing and a check did come in the mail today which helps to keep the account in the black for a change.
So good night dear friends and family members, you are a great inspiration to me.



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