Friday, August 8, 2008

A blessed week

Good evening Friends and Family,

How are you doing tonight? Its 5:40 and I'm getting started on the blog early. I got the nicest and very funny card from Marilyn Bitzer today, it got us both laughing as we read. Thanks Marilyn for all you have done to help. So far today I've got the spa clean and I think I have it heating now, hope so. I've done the lawn, the edging and pretty soon will cut back some of the plants that grow too large in the front yard. Marilyn took me to lunch at our local place and we both enjoyed good salads, nice sandwiches and watching the boats come and go. I went out to water the tomato plants today and discovered I had two baskets full, what a nice shock.

This week has brought positive things and troubling ones as well. Its so nice to see Keanna enjoying her school experience and she has turned out to be a very bright little person. Of course Kallie brings joy with her smile and baby movements. She is a kick and Jason and Jo have reported Timothy is doing great in his walker and getting very close to walking as well. He crawls very fast and loves it. In a couple weeks I hope to be able to visit for a weekend and see him in action up close and personal.

Marilyn is enjoying her stay, she loves to read and relax but you've better not mess with her around 2 pm when General Hospital is on and of course Comcast cable often fails to deliver a decent signal on the big TV on channel 7, (they say its the wiring, right) so she has to scramble to located a TV which gets the channel during that time. We've been thinking about what drinks to have available on Sunday for the get together, I know I've heard of fresh corn coming, potato salad, watermelon and we've purchased Boca burgers and real burgers and Ray is going to turn them into magic on the BBQ. Joyce Conner just emailed to offer tempting fresh tomatoes and peaches, oh yes! I baked a new loaf of bread today but I'm pretty sure that would not go very far in feeding the 5,000. Sure made the house smell good for awhile though.

I will write more later and then launch the blog.

Well now is later, 9:38. Marilyn and I took a check to a drop box for the garage pickup, either a check or no garbage pickup, then we stopped by Chili's for dinner. Now home for an early turn in time tonight. Up early to walk and then pick up Keanna for Sabbath School, do a little thing at church, then meet up with Bob and Carrol at Olive Garden. It will be fun to see them and find out how they are doing.

This evening I am thankful for many things and still seeking God's answers for many more. While this present life presents many challenges one by one they are being met and survived. It will be quite different to be 60 years old. I tend not to have a lot of deep thoughts period but to consider how many years I have been privileged to live, to have lived some many of them with wonderful people and especially Nan, well there is certainly much to be grateful for. Now as to the future I have few expectations. I've discovered from the grief group that others feel the same way, they don't expect too much good to happen in the future, I think that goes with the memory of the recent pain and loss which tends to overshadow future expectations. I do know this, I love to see my kids succeed, live well, care for each other, I love to observe and help with the little ones. Its a rare opportunity to see life in its infancy again through the little ones, pure, uncomplicated, honest and full of energy and hope.

Oh God make of me what you want in your timing and for your purposes and for your glory.




divatobe said...

May you have a fabulous b-day bash tomorrow and a blessed new year of life.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Glad to read that Your Party Plans are falling into place.

We have had a busy week too and are looking forward to meeting with You & Marilyn at the Garden for Lunch Sabbath at 1:00. I have Coupons for everyone.

Finally got a new Garbage Container delivered Yesterday. Our Garbage Service destroyed Our container last week and this week they took the whole container into the big truck and crushed it, so We will see how the new one works out for next weeks service. What a waste of Money!, I'm sure that those containers are not cheap!

Have a good Sing at the Church Service and We will see You at the Garden.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.