Thursday, August 28, 2008

A busy day, more tragedy on our block

Dear Friends and Family,
As I write this evening less than a block away a husband and wife are quickly adjusting to terrible news. This week the wife fell and when they took x rays they discovered she has stage 4 cancer in several places. She and her husband who was to have knee replacement or hip replacement tomorrow are having a very tough time coping with the terrible news. Patty, who lost her husband a year ago, and I will do what we can if they allow us to assist. Neither of us are blown away by such news as we've had to face and cope with it extensively, we can help if we are allowed. Our hearts just go out to them tonight. She starts chemo tomorrow.
This morning Nikki did a run through of where Keanna gets dropped off for school. I was prepared and went on to Oakley for an inspection, then came home and wrote the report, emailed it out and picked up the check this evening for the fee. That will help with the house payment. I have been busy writing on another appraisal as well and tomorrow I head out to Marysville for that FHA reverse mortgage inspection. Today's mail was a bust, nothing but bills, yuck.
It was about 106 today but by seeing the house early this morning the heat had no effect on me. My AC systems worked perfectly only coming on when they were needed to hold things down to 80. This evening after picking up the check in Oakley I decided on some salad and a personal deep dish pizza from UNO's in Antioch. I like the one that has tomato, feta cheese, broccoli and spinach. I'd like to think its sort of good for me.
Jason called this evening from Placerville where he and Josh had driven to buy ice. He is with the senior class, about 60 kids, doing a survival camp at Leoni Meadows. He was in good spirits and is enjoying himself. He said be brought lots of creature comforts along. He has done this trip many years and has learned the tricks of survival. He mentioned that Timothy had a 102 fever last night and is getting lots of teeth all at once, ouch!
Well I'm heading to bed now. God is in control!



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