Sunday, August 31, 2008

Finally a cool one

Dear Family and Friends,

Finally today was a cool day, my house AC which is set on 79 degrees never came on as the cool breezes blew through all afternoon. I busied myself around the house today with attempting to have Belgium Waffles this morning only to discovery Nan's high power waffle maker no longer warms up, worked perfectly when Dana was here but not this time. Ray and Lois were coming over since I did not want to try to eat the entire batch of waffles the batter makes but I had to ask them to bring a waffle iron. They did and things worked out fine. Then Ray started to help out with little tasks, like fixing the waffle iron, fixing a door that will not stay closed in the motorhome, solving why the leveler will not work right and also solving the mirrored door for the medicine cabinet for the bedroom in the motorhome. So I have Ray loaded up with projects now. Sure appreciate his wisdom and help.

I did some filing, worked on a report, baked a new loaf of bread. You know I'd bake bread just to have that wonderful smell fill the house. It just smells like home! I walked the big 3 miles this morning and have sort of drifted from one project to another, I cleaned out the frig getting rid of left overs and fruits and veges that had gone bad, threw out some dated freezer stuff, made peas for lunch and soup for dinner, mocha smoothie this afternoon and tasted a thin slice of fresh bread when it came out.

Tomorrow I need to really settle down and get things written and ready to deliver. Its also time to take the motorhome back to its home at the RV park before the association begins to throw a fit. Its the one negative about living in the older end of Discovery Bay, the miserable association. Its amazing how much grief they can deliver for the $25 fee each of us pay once a year.

I've found myself reliving yesterday all day, waves of gratitude wash over me as I realize how much I was helped yesterday and what a difference it has made on my outlook. The first thing I did this morning was to log into Craig's list and learn how to do a listing. Then I shot photos of the stair chair and went through the steps laid out. Now the stair chair is listed. Its a first step and my prayer is that the right person will learn about this helpful device. I also pray that readers of Craig's list will be drawn to Art and Connie's motorhome which is also listed there. How they would like to move on and sell the motorhome.

I received a very warm email from Marilyn Bitzer who lives in Lincoln at a Del Webb retirement development. She lost Cal, her husband of many years several years before I lost Nan. Cal worked with us and he and Marilyn have been our friends for many years. She has been a constant provider of courage and good advice. I tend to give special attention to guidance from someone who has experienced a recent lose of a spouse. What they have to say is very important. Marilyn's words are also faith building and they were just that today. How good to hear from her. I also had an opportunity to talk with Irene tonight, she is amazing and her faith is strong. She is working along with others to hold a GIST fund raising walk in San Jose at the end of October. As I learn more I'll share the details with you. I'm looking forward to helping raise funds for GIST research. Irene began the radiation treatments already and thinks she can feel relief from the intense tumor pain already. I'm not surprised as Nan also found relief almost immediately when she had radiation on an offending tumor. It is a rarely used treatment for GIST so Irene is somewhat a pioneer once again. She continues to need our prayers for healing, courage and faith.

Tomorrow is yet another holiday to be spend without Nan. Nan was always up to the challenge of making these days off special. I miss her as you do too. It is a different world without Nan, not a bad world, just different, less fun, more challenging and way more stressful. Yes Nan you are still missed, every day, every hour.

Thank you to those who helped so much this weekend.

God bless each and every one of you.


ps want to buy a great stair chair? I happen to have one for sale!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok. I found an information here that i want to look for.