Friday, August 22, 2008

At Jason and Jo's home

Dear Family and Friends,

We are finally here at MBA. We've enjoyed the trip down very much and it was nice as the temperature cooled. We finally got away after 4 pm. I was preparing my first REO appraisal and every step required a bit of a learning curve. Finally it all came together and the report was ready. Even sending it required learning something new. I had to log in to the special web site, Appraisal Port and download the report PDF through their page. I'll find out on Monday if it worked but for now I think its done.

It is amazing how long it takes to load everything we need in the motorhome. It takes a list to get everything on board. There is something about driving down to MBA that is so special. First off it only takes about two hours so the fuel used is reasonable, secondly as one nears the ocean fog often is high overhead offering a cooling break from the summer heat of the valley, thirdly family lives here, Jason, Jo and Timothy and that of course is the most special thing of all.

As we turned from Highway 101 onto 129 the fog loomed ahead and the AC suddenly seemed too cold, the dogs shivered and Marilyn noticed that the heat was no longer beating in the side window. By the time we reached Watsonville the temperature was down to the 60s. Our trip was uneventful other than the fan in the dash of the motorhome failed for a few miles. Then suddenly it was working again. We were glad it continued to work the remainder of the trip.

We are looking forward to tomorrow, Timothy at Sabbath School, worship service in the big church and lunch afterwards. Sylvia is driving down tomorrow afternoon to enjoy some time with Timothy and our family. Nikki and the girls are considering coming as well. What great fun.

Starr and Lady have been so excited ever since the motorhome stopped in the driveway and when I allowed them to go to the coach this afternoon they were delighted. Starr never settled down the entire trip but Lady just slept at Marilyn's feet. Now they are making it obvious that they think its time to go to bed. Marilyn gets the bedroom while I get the front pullout bed and the dogs, does this sound fair, big bed should get the dogs but Marilyn is having none of it. So it will be me and the dogs and the breathing machine.

This week has proved to be very interesting with some work coming in, some travel accomplished and some funds in the mail box. We've enjoyed spending time with Lois, last night I got to hold Kallie and see Keanna in action for a few minutes, I've switched the business line to Vonage having become very tired of AT&T not keeping their word. the week has been like that, ups and downs, good and bad.

To me the most difficult moment was hearing from Irene that her GIST tumor has grown a lot in the last two months. I know exactly the thoughts and concerns that go through ones mind when faced with run away tumors. I just keep praying that God will be very active in her body and that the radiation will give her the relief she needs right now.

And so life goes, challenges, moments of joy, moments of meaning and a lot of just plain hard work. At this moment I'm thankful that The Sabbath has arrived and all the cares of this life can be left behind for a bit.

Love to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim & Marilyn,

Glad that You had a safe trip to MBA and as always the weather there is refreshing. In the past We have spent many happy holiday weekends there at Sunset Beach, just down the road a bit.

We are looking for a quiet weekend with Our Annaversary Dinner coming up on Tuesday. 52 Years seems like a long time but in so many ways time has gone by so fast.

Carrol continues to be off of the Chemo Therapy and is doing quite well all in all. We are looking forward to the Choir starting up again in mid September. Music is a great Healer & comfort too.

Enjoy Your Family and take care on the roads home.

Much Love,

Bob & Carrol.