Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A day that ended with games

Dear Family and Friends,
Well this evening we are just back from dinner and Mexican domino's at Mary and Hilario house. We had a lovely dinner with Mary's version of cottage cheese loaf and it was absolutely wonderful. Then they cleared the table and brought out the domino's. Neither Marilyn or I are very good at games but we ended up having a tremendous time, so fun and we all took turns winning.
The day has been one of work and new orders. Today 4 orders came wafting in, great news in light of the one single order I had before. All are going to be COD and all are FHA orders too. Perhaps I can do some catch up money wise now and get the car payments taken care of. Honda was not that impressed with my responses today when they called to demand a payment. I simply told them I can't promise something I do not have but they are next on the list. Its as good as I can do.
We were able to share some of the wonderful fruit with our neighbor Patty who lost her husband a year ago with cancer and is caring full time for 5 grandchildren ranging in age from about 9 to 16. She has her hands full and is doing an excellent job with the kids. They happen to love tomatoes and Joyce brought some beautiful ones, more than I could eat fast enough so we shared a bit and they were thrilled. We also shared a couple Nectarines that George and Yvonne brought. Talk about good fruit, the peaches from Joyce's tree and the Nectarines are outstanding, I can hardly stop eating them and my blood sugar is loving the fruit, its been normal all day today, yea!
I've had such pleasant memories, flashbacks really from Sunday, of special moments with friends and family and of the time I got to spend with Steve on the golf course too. What a very special birthday this turned out to be. I've not been at peace like I am now for several months.
Marilyn treated herself to a new camera today, its pink, does amazing things and was reasonable in price.
Well its time to head to bed, Ken says we walk in the morning at 7. The pedometer Sylvia supplied is pretty amazing. By the time we completed our walk this morning I had already logged over 3,000 steps and now it reads, 10,891. For those of you who might be wondering what this is about. Current thinking for an active lifestyle of one who wants to lose weight is to take 10,000 steps per day. So on that front I'm OK. But I've not started to journal every bite I take yet and I know I need to. That is another part of moving into a new life style. Of course these delicious muffins from CostCo are not really the best basis for a diet either but as we share them with Lois and Ray they are being enjoyed very much.
Tomorrow I see properties in Discovery Bay, Dublin, Martinez and El Cerritos and then drive home. It will be a great day.
Good night my friends,

love to all


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